mental health how to control stress hormone cortisol in hindi

mental health how to control stress hormone cortisol in hindi

Tips to Control Stress Hormones : It is natural for anxiety to increase amidst the hustle and bustle of the day and work. Worries arise in the mind over small things. Sometimes tension about the future and sometimes work pressure becomes the cause of stress. A little anxiety is normal, but if it starts increasing too much then it should be taken seriously, because excessive worry or stress can cause many serious problems. This can increase blood pressure, cause anxiety or nervousness. Stress can not only make you mentally ill…

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Stress is getting out of control, so include these foods in your diet, it will help in controlling Cortisol level.

Stress is getting out of control, so include these foods in your diet, it will help in controlling Cortisol level.

Stress Control Foods: Due to the hustle and bustle of the day, work pressure and changing lifestyle and eating habits, stress is affecting most of the people today, which is harmful for health. Whenever someone is under stress, his cortisol level increases, which is not considered good for heart health and digestion. Due to this, blood sugar level can also increase and immunity can also be affected. It is clear that it can affect overall health. According to health experts, stress can be both good and bad. In such a…

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