Red Meat Side Effects : Red meat eaters should be careful. Eating burgers, pizzas or sandwiches made from processed red meat is dangerous. Recently, a research has revealed something shocking. It has been told that eating red meat can cause dementia, a disease of memory loss. This research of Alzheimer’s Association International Conference told that the risk of dementia is very high in those who eat more processed red meat. Know what is the connection between red meat and dementia… Why eating red meat is causing dementia According to experts,…
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health tips what is dementia know its causes and symptoms in hindi
Dementia : Dementia means being mentally unstable. It is a disease of forgetfulness. In this, the memory centers of our brain start weakening. Patients suffering from dementia also start forgetting daily tasks. Their decision making ability also keeps getting weak. According to a statistic, more than 5.5 crore people in the world are suffering from dementia. Every year about 1 crore cases are increasing. In India, about 90 lakh elderly people are suffering from this disease. In the coming years, this figure will become even more scary. In such a…
Read MoreYour eyes will tell you whether you are at risk of dementia in a few years or not, a big revelation in research
Eyes can tell a lot about our mental health. In fact, eye problems indicate your future illness. That is why doctors first check eyes in case of any disease because the initial symptoms of the disease are first seen on the eyes. Recent research has shown that loss of vision and eye problems can be early symptoms of dementia 12 years before dementia occurs. What was revealed in the research Recently, research was conducted in Norfolk, England. In which 8,623 healthy people were included, who were kept under observation for…
Read MoreDoes a lack of exercise increase the risk of dementia read full article in hindi
Dementia is a problem of memory loss. Its initial symptoms are very normal in which you will feel that it is a normal forgetfulness. There can be many reasons for this. In such a situation, it is important to keep your mind strong. To make your brain healthy and boost it, we will tell you some special exercises with the help of which you can strengthen your brain. It is important to prevent dementia in the beginning. For this, physical activity is very important. According to the ‘Federal University of…
Read MoreDementia Just Concussions Can Increase Your Dementia Risk Know Detail
Dementia: A new study has found that three head injuries in a lifetime may increase the risk of dementia. Experts at Oxford University studied 15,000 people aged 50 and over. They found that concussion is associated with less brain power in later life. It was even worse for people who had suffered three mild or moderate blows to the head, or only one severe blow. These accidents include hitting your head from a fall, a sporting collision like football, or a car accident. risk of dementia “The more times you…
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