Digital Arrest Case in Kerala 82 years old woman lost 72 lakh rupees by cyber fraud

Digital Arrest Case in Kerala 82 years old woman lost 72 lakh rupees by cyber fraud

Digital Arrest Case: An 82-year-old woman from Kerala has been made a victim of cyber fraud. Cyber ​​​​thugs cleverly targeted the elderly woman and stole Rs 72 lakh from her bank account. According to media reports, the woman told that on August 23, she received a call from an unknown number. The caller identified himself as an RBI officer. After this, the accused told the woman that her credit card has been blocked and asked her to pay immediate attention to it and unblock it. After this, the woman received…

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What is digital arrest cyber criminals fraud with video call how to be careful from online fraud

What is digital arrest cyber criminals fraud with video call how to be careful from online fraud

Digital Arrest Cases: Video calls were used by people to communicate with each other till now. But now people are being robbed through this. Cyber ​​criminals are robbing the other person through video calls without showing their face. In this digital age, a new way of online fraud has been discovered, in which people are easily becoming victims. This new method has been named digital arrest. Let us know how cyber criminals are cheating people with this new method. In digital arrest, most cyber criminals make video calls posing as…

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Digital Arrest cases in madhya pradesh Lucknow cyber unit makes its first digital arrest

Digital Arrest cases in madhya pradesh Lucknow cyber unit makes its first digital arrest

Digital Arrest Cases in MP: In Madhya Pradesh, thugs have adopted a new method of cheating and that is digital arrest. Cyber ​​thugs trap people online and loot lakhs of rupees. In the recent past, the incidents of cyber fraud are increasing rapidly in the state. These people call themselves police officers and threaten them by saying that there is a big case against the person concerned. On the phone through which they contact, their picture appears to be that of an officer in police uniform, due to which the…

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what is digital arrest know the easiest way to deal with it

what is digital arrest know the easiest way to deal with it

Digital Arrest: Nowadays, as modernity has increased. Modern technology has come in every field. Due to which people have got a lot of convenience. At the same time, criminals have also benefited from this technology in committing crimes. Now criminals can make someone their victim even if they are sitting far away. People who are going online have less information about fraud. Cyber ​​criminals trap those people and extort huge amounts of money. A new method of this fraud is digital arrest. What is digital arrest and how can you…

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