health tips what is nomophobia know smartphone harmful effects on body

Nomophobia : The way we are lost in smartphones day and night, it is causing serious and dangerous damage to health. Many researches have shown that continuous use of the phone or not being able to live even a moment without a mobile phone can lead to a disease called ‘Nomophobia’. It is so dangerous that it can make the body a home for diseases. Nomophobia is called smartphone addiction. In a survey conducted worldwide, 84% smartphone users admitted that they cannot spend even a day without their phone. Nomophobia…

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Every Three Out Of Four Indians Is Victim Of Nomophobia

Nomophobia: In today’s era, the smartphone has become such a need of everyone that thinking of being away from it, panic starts. With the opening of the eyes in the morning, the use of mobile phone continues till the time sleep does not come at night. This is the reason why people are also facing many diseases due to the use of smartphones. Some are losing their eyesight, while some are having problems with their spinal cord. Apart from this, many other diseases are also happening. At the same time,…

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