Don’t make this mistake if you book doctor’s appointment online, without OTP the account is getting empty

Don’t make this mistake if you book doctor’s appointment online, without OTP the account is getting empty

Even though the Internet has made our life easier and simpler than before, but on the other hand many difficulties have also arisen. We can book food, shopping, flight, hotel etc. on one click but one wrong click can also make us sleepless. If going to the doctor for treatment, people prefer to book an appointment online so that both time and money can be saved. If you also book an appointment online, then read this news carefully. This is because a woman from Delhi handed over Rs 60,000 to…

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In an attempt to get a seat, the tweet was tagged to IRCTC, 64,000 flew away from the account, do not make this mistake

In an attempt to get a seat, the tweet was tagged to IRCTC, 64,000 flew away from the account, do not make this mistake

With the advent of the Internet, the use of social media platforms is increasing rapidly. People run different types of social media apps these days. Whether to connect with a new person or to convey your complaint to the government, today everything is done through social media. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are said to be secure platforms. However, they need to be run cautiously. Never share your important information on social media because a small mistake of yours can put you in big trouble. Since the advent of the Internet,…

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