According to astrologers, it is not good for Pitru Paksha to end with a solar eclipse. The last solar eclipse of the year will occur on Sarva Pitru Amavasya on 2 October 2024. The solar eclipse will last from 09.13 pm to 03.17 am on October 2. The inauspicious effects of the solar eclipse will be seen on Gemini people. Do not be careless about your health, it can have a bad effect on your health. Do not invest at this time even by mistake. There are chances of financial…
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Surya Grahan 2024 Pitru Paksha: When is Solar Eclipse Date Time in India Sutak Kaal
Solar eclipse 2024: This year 2024’s Pitru Paksha is considered very important. Coincidentally, this time there are two eclipses in Pitru Paksha. On 18 September 2024, there is the second lunar eclipse of the year, while in September itself, the second solar eclipse of this year is also going to take place. If we believe the astrologers, this inauspicious effect of eclipse on Pitru Paksha is worrisome. In such a situation, the experts are advising people to be cautious. Let us know when the second solar eclipse will occur this…
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Solar eclipse 2024 in India: The first solar eclipse of the year 2024 (Solar Eclipse 2024) took place on 08 April. Now the second solar eclipse of this year is going to take place in the month of October. Chandra Grahan or Surya Grahan is considered an astronomical phenomenon. That is why especially astronomers are very excited about it. But the phenomenon of eclipse is also considered important in religious scriptures and astrology. In Hinduism, the phenomenon of eclipse is considered inauspicious. According to astrology, the effect of eclipse falls…
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