Never eat these 11 things together even by mistake, they will have adverse effects on your health.

Harmful combinations of food: From cooking methods to new food combinations, many experiments are taking place in the world of food. Like chocolate paratha or pineapple pizza. Some people may like this strange food combination, but there are some things which, if eaten together, can create problems for your health. You must have often heard elders saying that if you have eaten watermelon then do not drink water. Or you have just had tea, do not eat anything cold. MD (Ayurveda) of Gurugram, Dr. Sunil Arya It is said that…

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Avoid Giving These Foods To Kids With Milk It Can Be Harmful For Health

Milk is considered very important for the development of children. Because they are rich in important nutrients like calcium, protein and vitamin D. This not only helps in their physical development, but mental development also happens faster. Every mother gives a glass of milk to her child before going to school. There are some mothers who give a glass full of milk to their children before going to sleep at night. There is no doubt that milk is very important for the child, but it does not benefit them so…

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What Is The Role Of Milk In Good Or Bad Digestion How To Use Milk For Good Health

Normal Cause Of Low Digestion: Many people are often found complaining that we take healthy diet, eat fresh food but still our stomach often gets upset… Most of the people with whom this condition occurs, they start feeling It is that their liver is damaged or the kidneys are not able to do their work well. While the problem hides elsewhere. This problem can also be hidden in your healthy diet! Because if some healthy foods are eaten by pairing in the wrong way, then instead of benefiting, they start…

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