WhatsApp Pay may come with International UPI Payment Service soon

WhatsApp Pay may come with International UPI Payment Service soon

WhatsApp Payment: In a latest report, it is being said that Meta-owned messaging service company WhatsApp is working on a new feature, which will provide users the facility to make international payments through UPI. This means that users will be able to make international payments through Unified Payment Interface i.e. UPI through WhatsApp only. This upcoming feature of WhatsApp has been revealed by a tipster AssembleDebug on X (old name Twitter). Will international payments be done through WhatsApp? WhatsApp’s International Payments service will allow users with Indian bank accounts to…

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Whatsapp is rolling out UPI QR Code feature for beta users

Whatsapp is rolling out UPI QR Code feature for beta users

WhatsApp: WhatsApp, one of the world’s most popular messaging platforms, always keeps introducing new features to keep its users attracted. This time also WhatsApp is going to bring a new and very important feature. Through this feature, users will be able to make payments to any other person through WhatsApp. New feature of WhatsApp Seeing the ever-increasing trend of online and digital payments, WhatsApp had started WhatsApp Pay many years ago, but now the company has also introduced the option of making UPI payment by scanning the QR Code from…

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