WhatsApp: WhatsApp keeps introducing some new feature in its app every day, so that its users always remain attracted towards WhatsApp. In this modern world of social media and internet, the biggest fear for users is their privacy. Most users do not like to compromise with their privacy. WhatsApp has already introduced many special features in its app to ensure the privacy of its users, but this time the company has made arrangements to put another lock on those features. New feature of WhatsApp Actually, there is a feature called…
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WhatsApp Beta For Windows Gets A Feature To Control Input And Output Devices
WhatsApp Update: WhatsApp is working on a new feature for its Windows app. Soon you will get an option of ‘Video and Voice’ in the Windows app with the help of which you will be able to choose input and output devices. That means you will be able to switch between speaker, laptop speaker, headphones, earphones etc. If you have attached a camera to the laptop, you will be able to change it also. Currently, there is no setting available to select input and output devices in the Windows app.…
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