PM Samman Nidhi 13 Th Installment To Get E-KYC Will Have To Be Done In Bihar Till January 28

PM Samman Nidhi 13 Th Installment To Get E-KYC Will Have To Be Done In Bihar Till January 28

PM Kisan Scheme 13th Installment: The 13th installment of Pradhan Mantri Samman Nidhi has not reached the farmers’ account. The farmers are eagerly waiting for the installment. The installment should reach the account of the eligible farmers under any circumstances. Regarding this, the central and state governments are busy in doing homework at the ground level in each state. Guidelines have been fixed till January 31 for conducting e-KYC in Uttar Pradesh. At the same time, now another state government has fixed the deadline for conducting e-KYC. If the farmers…

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PM Kisan Samman Nidhi E-KYC Done In UP By January 31 To Get 13th Installment

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi E-KYC Done In UP By January 31 To Get 13th Installment

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi: Farmers have received 12 installments of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi. The farmers are eagerly waiting for the 13th installment. Under the campaign, the central government has excluded many ineligible people in the 12th installment. The retrenchment campaign of the central government is also going on regarding the 13th instalment. Farmers are afraid that their number is not there in this retrenchment. For this, he is taking information by repeatedly reaching the Agriculture Department and reaching the Agriculture Department. Farmers are being linked to get Samman…

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PM Kisan Nidhi Installment Modi Government May Increase In Union Budget 2023

PM Kisan Nidhi Installment Modi Government May Increase In Union Budget 2023

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 13th Installment: 12 installments of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi have reached the farmers’ accounts. The farmers are waiting for the 13th installment. However, after the central government’s retrenchment campaign, a large number of farmers have been excluded from the list. The farmers are afraid that this time they may not be deprived of getting the 13th. On the other hand, a large section of farmers has been demanding for a long time to increase the funds of the Central Government PM Kisan Samman Nidhi. The…

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