Why are the words Khambha, Adha and Paua used for liquor?

Why are the words Khambha, Adha and Paua used for liquor?

Whether you drink alcohol or not, but you would also know that when people go to buy alcohol in India, they buy it not in liters but by saying Addha, Paua and Khambha. But why is this done. What is the reason behind this. If you would think that this happens because of the quantity, then you are absolutely wrong. Because in India, Poa is considered to be 250 ml, but if you go to buy liquor in Poa, you will get only 180 ml of alcohol in it. So…

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People Of India Drink The Most Scotch Whiskey So Many Crore Bottles Are Consumed Every Year

People Of India Drink The Most Scotch Whiskey So Many Crore Bottles Are Consumed Every Year

Alcohol is considered injurious to health, but despite this there is no dearth of drinkers in India. Every year people drink so much alcohol in India that you will be surprised to hear the figures. Talking about Scotch Whiskey alone, Indians are number one in drinking it and in this matter they have left behind all the countries of the world. Today in this article, let us tell you how many bottles of Scotch Whiskey were consumed by people in the year 2022 in India. How much Scotch Whiskey is…

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