Black Pav Bhaji is available here, it gives tough competition to all the snacks in taste, these famous singers also like it

Black Pav Bhaji is available here, it gives tough competition to all the snacks in taste, these famous singers also like it

Vishwajit Singh/Mumbai: Like Delhi, you will find many special things to eat in Mumbai too. People are always ready to eat the vada pav and pav bhaji available in this city. Let us tell you that not only the taste but different steps are also followed for cooking food in Mumbai. Here you will also get a chance to eat black pav bhaji. This pav bhaji is very different in appearance and is also far ahead in terms of taste. Mumbai’s Black Pav Bhaji Special black pav bhaji is available…

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The famous Pav Bhaji is available here in Mumbai, it has been ruling for 35 years, this is its price

The famous Pav Bhaji is available here in Mumbai, it has been ruling for 35 years, this is its price

Vishwajit Singh / Mumbai: People are always ready to eat some things. Like Pav Bhaji. There are some things in Mumbai city, whose name brings the name of Mumbai to mind. Like Vada Pav, Misal Pav and above all Pav Bhaji. Pav Bhaji here is something else. Every second shop in this city is of Pav Bhaji. There are many stalls of Pav Bhaji. There is one such style of Pav Bhaji in Mumbai, which is run by a person from Uttar Pradesh. His name is Pradeep Maurya. The name…

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