Why Is The Color Of Milk Only White Know What Is The Science Behind It

There will be cows and buffaloes around you, who will be eating green grass every day. The blood flowing in their body is red, but have you ever wondered why their milk is white in spite of all this. Not only these, but the color of the milk of all those creatures found on this earth, which can give birth to a child, is white. Man is also one of these creatures. But have you ever tried to know why this happens? What are the chemicals present inside the body,…

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Why Painter Wear White Clothes While Painting Know The Reason Behind This

Painter Clothing: Everyone has seen the painter painting. Painters around us paint wearing any clothes, but professional painters always remain well dressed. They do their work wearing uniform only, the uniform of these people is of white colour. Even a slight stain is clearly visible on white colored clothes. That’s why after wearing this colored dress, everyone thinks that it may not get dirty, but even after the painter’s work is full of risk of getting stained, why do these people work in white uniform only? Whereas, instead of white,…

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