Why People Do Not Name Their Daughters Manthara Or Kaikai Know The Reason According To Shastrarth

Why People Do Not Name Their Daughters Manthara Or Kaikai Know The Reason According To Shastrarth

Even today people do not keep their daughter’s Kaikeyi and Manthara. All Hindus know how much torture Kaikai and Manthara had inflicted on Lord Ram and the entire Suryavansh. But all this was already decided by law, you will understand yourself when you know the previous birth of Kaikeyi and Manthara. First let us look at the previous birth of Manthara. Manthara’s previous birth story According to Mahabharata Van Parva 276.9–16, when Lord Vishnu and Ram were about to incarnate on earth, Brahma ji asked all the gods to incarnate…

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