International Widow’s Day: When was International Widow’s Day celebrated for the first time, how did it start

The biggest sorrow in life is to lose a loved one. But when someone loses their spouse, it is difficult to express that sorrow. Especially when a woman loses her spouse, that is, her husband, at that time, along with the sorrow, that woman also has to face social challenges. International Widows’ Day is celebrated every year on 23 June. So that widowed women can be empowered.  23 June  Every year on 23rd June, this day is celebrated to make widows around the world aware and empower them. It is…

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International Yoga Day which records and Guinness World Records were made on Yoga Day from 2015 till now

International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June all over the world. The credit for teaching yoga to the whole world goes to India. Even today, people from many countries of the world come to India to learn yoga. India is called the world guru for yoga. But do you know how many records have been made so far on International Yoga Day? Today we will tell you what are the records related to yoga. Guinness Book of World Records Let us tell you that there are four Guinness Book…

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Why is snake venom not affected by mongoose? What do scientists say?

Snake is considered to be the most poisonous animal in the world. If you have ever lived in a rural environment, you would know the fight between snake and mongoose very well. Because mongoose and snake are considered big enemies of each other. But have you ever wondered that when snake venom is so dangerous, why does it not affect mongoose? Today we will tell you why snake poison does not affect mongoose.  Poison does not affect mongoose? For information According to this, snakes eat mongoose babies. But the snake…

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