Wrote on paper and tore it…does anger really go away by doing this?

Wrote on paper and tore it…does anger really go away by doing this?

Man is a statue full of emotions. According to the situation, different types of emotions emerge from him. Anger is also among these emotions. Many times, when a person is very angry, he takes some wrong steps for which he has to regret throughout his life.  But what if we say that with just one small action, you You can control your anger in a jiffy. The most important thing is that this method is not just a hearsay. Rather, research has been done on it scientifically. Let us explain…

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Why do people kick the door when they get angry, Science has the answer

Why do people kick the door when they get angry, Science has the answer

You must have seen many such people in your life who either go out of the room by kicking at the door or lock themselves in the room when they get angry. But why do people do this? What is the reason behind this. Science now has an answer for this too, today in this article we will tell you the same answer. Along with this, we will also tell what this theory is called in the language of science and what is the effect of closing the door loudly…

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Do you get hyper even on small things? So go here its reason and treatment

Do you get hyper even on small things?  So go here its reason and treatment

A person is bound by many emotions. He laughs as well, he gets angry as well, he is emotional as well. It is natural for all this to happen. Everyone’s nature is not the same. Some like to joke and some want to be a little serious. Many times, even the people who talk and laugh do not like some things, then they become irritable, they get angry, but some people get excessively angry. Irritation on every matter, gets angry. Have you ever tried to know whether there is any…

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