women should not enter a temple during their menstrual period know about myths and facts

women should not enter a temple during their menstrual period know about myths and facts

Those 5 days are very difficult for women. But the rules that are followed during periods make them even more difficult. One of those rules is that women should not go to the temple during periods. When asked for an answer as to why women should not go to the temple during that time, the answer is that women are impure during that time. But the question arises that what is the right thing to say? What is the logic behind this? Should one go to the temple during periods…

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diabetes Type 2 or heart disease high pollution levels can cause further complications

diabetes Type 2 or heart disease high pollution levels can cause further complications

Heart Attack: Due to bad lifestyle and eating habits, people are often falling prey to many serious diseases. Heart disease is one such problem. Due to which most of the people are worried nowadays. In recent years, cases of heart related diseases and heart attacks have increased rapidly. Heart attack is a medical emergency. In which blood clots start forming in the heart. Due to which blood and oxygen are not able to reach the heart properly. Due to this, there is a lack of oxygen in the heart tissues.…

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