Guru of eunuchs became ‘mother’ of hundreds of voiceless people, their relationship is of heart, their language is of love

Report-Mohit SharmaKarauli, Be it a Teej-festival or a happy occasion, we always wait for the blessings and blessings of the transgender community. There is an interesting news from Karauli. Of the relationship between humans and animals and birds. This relationship is one of love and trust. Here a eunuch is like the ‘mother’ of hundreds of animals and birds. She showers a lot of affection on them. This story is from Karauli in eastern Rajasthan. Hina Bai lives here. She is like the ‘mother’ of hundreds of animals and birds.…

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Look at the courage of the mongoose! He openly got into trouble with the lions, the king of the jungle was seen running away, video went viral

The lion is considered to be the most dreaded animal of the forest, which kills its prey very brutally. However, this does not happen every time. Sometimes a lion loses his life after fighting with a wild buffalo and sometimes becomes a victim of hyenas. But have you ever thought that even a small creature like a mongoose can chase away lions? Usually you would have seen the video of the fight between a snake and a mongoose, but we are going to show you the video of the fight…

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This beautiful bird is more aggressive than the tiger in territorial fight, you will be surprised to know this unique fact

Srijit Awasthi/Pilibhit: As soon as we hear the word territorial fighting, images of large species of animals like tiger, leopard and lion etc. come to our mind. But can you imagine that a beautiful bird, which is considered an example of beauty, can also adopt an aggressive attitude. Yes, the peacock which is known for its beauty also fights with other males for its territory. A male peacock becomes very beautiful because of its feathers. At the same time, it looks different from females because of its wings. Most people…

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‘Gajraj’ had made a joke, the tourists were shocked, see in the video how the situation happened!

Various types of videos go viral every day on social media. Sometimes someone is dancing and sometimes someone is doing something amazing. However, the videos that people like the most are those of wild animals. Whether they are hunting ferociously or just having fun. Currently, a similar video is going viral on the internet, in which an elephant is having amazing fun. Just as humans enjoy joking, animals also enjoy joking. If you don’t believe it, then you must watch a video currently going viral on social media, in which…

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Damoh News: The dogs chased the chital, fell into the well, then the police saved their lives

Arpit Badkul/Damoh: The incident of Chital’s child falling into a well in Roda Patna village under Hata police station of Damoh, MP, has come to the fore, where the Hata police team, while conducting a rescue operation, pulled out the child of Chital safely from the well in an injured state. According to the information, some village dogs attacked Chital, due to which Chital fell into the well while running to save his life. The villagers informed about this in Hata police station. In this whole matter, station in-charge Manish…

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A pint-sized fish has 24 eyes, scientists are also surprised to see! After all, what do you see from them…

Just as we do not know each and every one of the creatures found in every corner of the earth, in the same way it is difficult to know the thousands of species of creatures found inside the ocean. Although biologists have identified many species, but there are still many such creatures, when they are found, their life-investigation begins. One such fish has been found in Hong Kong, which has stunned even the scientists. According to the report of Mirror, scientists of Hong Kong Baptist University have found a species…

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This snake looks exactly like an earthworm, gets deceived by the eyes of elders! Know how dangerous it is …

World’s Smallest Snake: According to an estimate, there are about 3000 species of snakes found all over the world, but only about 200 species are there, whose bite can kill someone. However, many such species are found around us, whose work can be completed by just one hiss. This is the reason why the fear of the name of snakes is sitting in everyone’s mind. On hearing the name of a snake, people start sweating out of fear and if it comes in front of you, it is bound to…

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Do you know about hand fish that walks on sea floor wildlife news

Weird Creature On Earth: We do not know about all the facts related to the earth on which we live. Especially if we talk about the creatures living inside the water, then we recognize very few animal species. That’s why if we see a different type of creature, we often make the mistake of calling it an alien. Today we will tell you about one such creature. This creature has been seen on the island of Tasmania, Australia, which is a fish. In appearance, its structure is exactly like that…

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OMG! Such fun can be overwhelming with poisonous cobra, even by mistake you should not do this…

Balaghat, If a poisonous cobra bites someone, then it is very difficult to survive. But snake friend Chaman Giri Goswami of Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh has caught this dangerous snake with his hands through wood. This cobra is constantly moving here and there to escape. Onlookers find it all easy, but to do so is to risk life. The people standing there made a video of the snake friend doing this with the dangerous snake. It may seem easy to play with a cobra in the video, but its…

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How would your hands feel if a crocodile bites you? Read, the painful story of the attack of this giant creature!

We often go in the middle of dense forests in search of adventure and sometimes lose our way. Same happened with Eric from Florida. While returning home after finishing work in the city, he felt like roaming around, so he went towards the forest. The manatee fish had thought it would spend a few days at the camp but after walking for hours in the scorching heat through dense and thorny bushes, it realized it had lost its way. He had also left his phone in his van. Then a…

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