The tigress was seen ‘chilling’ in the heat, seeing the royal bath in cold water, people said – ‘Wow, what a thing!’

You see many videos related to forests and wild animals, watching which sometimes you get goosebumps. So is there never a light atmosphere in the jungle, as we see in Jungle Book? It happens and sometimes it gets captured on camera too. One such interesting video is going viral at the moment. IAS Officer Supriya Sahu has shared a similar video, which is quite funny. Although this video is of an ordinary day of the tigress, but people are finding it quite funny to see this animal, famous for its…

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Lion Scared Video: Babbar lion’s senses were blown away by a cub, the ‘king of the jungle’ was horrified

Lion Cub Video: Lion is the king of the jungle and no animal dares to go near him. Whether it is a small or a big animal, if the lion is in a bad mood or is hungry, then it becomes impossible for it to escape. Can anyone scare even such a ferocious animal? If you want to know the answer to this, then definitely watch a video that is going viral. Now kids are kids. Then whether it is of human or animal, they are same in terms of…

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Have courage! Not 1-2, but a man openly patrolling with 3 lions, know who he is?

Man With Lions Video: In mythological stories, you must have heard stories of King Bharata playing with lions in his childhood and counting the teeth in his mouth, but can anyone do this in today’s era? By the way, on hearing the name of huge and ferocious lions, death is seen hovering over the head, but such a video of a person is going viral, seeing which you will not be able to believe your eyes. Even the imagination of colliding with lions and lionesses is no less than trauma…

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Viral Video: The deer had gone into the crocodile’s mouth, then it was defeated like this, the monster came in shock!

Deer Escaped from Crocodile Video: Although many videos go viral on social media, people like the videos related to the jungle. If the video is of hunting, then the thrill of the people increases further. The same fierce struggle is visible in the video which is going viral at the moment. Here a crocodile had already caught the deer present in the river that the deer defeats him. It is said that if the lion is the king of the jungle, then the crocodile rules the river. Once someone enters…

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When the poachers killed the mother, the baby rhino became restless, IFS Sushant Nanda said after watching the video – heart shook

Many times such videos are seen on social media which make the heart tremble. Shakes our sensibilities. Makes you think. One such video is going viral on Twitter these days. In which the mother lying dead is seen being woken up by her little child caressing her. People are getting emotional after seeing this clip. Indian Forest Service officer Sushant Nanda (IFS Susanta Nanda) posted this video. Wrote in the caption, this clip shook me. A baby rhino tries to wake up its mother, who was killed by poachers for…

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Viral Video: People had gone out for a walk in the jungle, attacked by an angry tiger, got lost!

Tiger attacked on tourists: There was a time when forests were more and settlements were less. Then people used to be afraid of wild animals, but now the matter has turned upside down. Now the human population has increased and people have spread their settlements to the forests. Now people come to the forests to take solace but do not care that they are disturbing the animals whose home they are. Usually during the jungle safari some people are present for your safety, but if by mistake you come in…

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The lion entered the streets of the village, when the dog got a clue, it started running away with the cows, the video went viral

Wild animals mainly depend on nature for food and shelter. However, due to increasing encroachment in the forest and climate change, the shortage of food has created a crisis in front of them as well. Because of this, wild animals often come to human habitation in search of food. Recently, a video of Gujarat went viral, in which eight lions were seen roaming in the streets of the village. These days another such video is going viral on Twitter. This video has been shared on Twitter from @cctvidiots account. In…

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When the elephant fell after the leopard, see what happened to this dreaded hunter, he died while running

Leopard is considered one of the most dangerous predators of the jungle. If an animal comes in front of him, it is difficult to escape. But even this dreaded hunter shies away from going in front of an elephant or a tiger. A video is going viral on social media, in which a leopard falls in front of elephants. Then what the elephant does to him is surprising. The video has been shared on Youtube from Maasai Sightings account. In this one minute video you can see that a leopard…

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The tigress was walking with the cub, something like this happened the very next moment, IFS officer shared the video

Videos related to animals are shared a lot on social media and people also like them. Whether it is about elephant, lion or any other wild animal, people get a lot of information about them through these videos. Nowadays, many IFS officers post such videos. Tell us about wild animals. Many times such information is received that we are surprised. Such videos or photos appear, which we have rarely seen. One such video has been shared by Indian Forest Service officer Saket Badola on Twitter. In this video of about…

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Farm house villagers caught fisherman cat in the guise of leopard forest ranger told real name of wild animal video viral

Report: Piyush Sharma Moradabad: A video in Moradabad, UP is becoming increasingly viral on social media. In the viral video, a fishing cat has been imprisoned by the villagers in a cage. The villagers are making his video viral by calling him a leopard. Forest Department officials confirmed this video and said that it is not a leopard but a fisherman’s cat. In Moradabad, the fisher cat that entered the chicken farm was caught by the villagers mistaking it for a leopard and locked it in a cage. The fear…

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