Unique wedding! Marriage happened by giving 1 rupee and a coconut, if the bride gets a job, she will give her parents a year’s salary, the groom got one rupee in dowry, MLA came to appreciate it

Unique wedding! Marriage happened by giving 1 rupee and a coconut, if the bride gets a job, she will give her parents a year’s salary, the groom got one rupee in dowry, MLA came to appreciate it

Jaipur Rural. Every day we get to hear news of unfortunate incidents related to dowry. Many efforts have been made from time to time to eradicate this evil practice prevalent in the society. Anita Verma, who lives in Jaipur rural, has not given any dowry to the groom in the marriage. This dowry-free marriage is being appreciated all over the state. The groom Jai Narayan Jakhar also supported her a lot in eradicating this evil practice prevalent in the society. The groom is a JE and the bride is a…

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