Influenza in Winter: Influenza cases are increasing rapidly due to cold, know its causes and symptoms.

Influenza in Winter: Influenza cases are increasing rapidly due to cold, know its causes and symptoms.

Influenza which is commonly known as flu. Influenza is an infection caused by viruses (such as A/B/H1N1/H3N2) that occur in the respiratory tract. This can range from mild to severe and may increase the risk. Especially children, elderly and people with weak immunity often get this disease.   COVID-19 or Respiratory Syncytial Virus There are some early symptoms to manage influenza, reduce its spread and prevent complications. It is important for everyone to pay attention to symptoms such as fever, body ache, fatigue, cough, blocked nose and sore throat and…

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Swami Ramdev tips to protect yourself from cold related diseases

Swami Ramdev tips to protect yourself from cold related diseases

It is extremely cold in North India. The severe cold that has been occurring for the last four days has spoiled the health of the people. Hospitals are being crowded with patients suffering from cold, cough, fever, pneumonia and respiratory diseases. In many hospitals, the number of patients suffering from these diseases caused by cold has increased by 45 percent. The situation is such that sugar and heart patients are being advised to be especially careful. Risk of these diseases increases due to winter Cold wave is going on in…

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Norovirus Outbreak: You might hardly know this about the common disease occurring in winter.

Norovirus Outbreak: You might hardly know this about the common disease occurring in winter.

C.D.C. According to the report, 91 cases of norovirus were reported in the first week of December. Norovirus is a disease that spreads very rapidly. To know more about this disease occurring in winter, read this article in detail. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cases of norovirus have been reported in many parts of the United States."text-align: justify;">According to the CDC, 91 cases of norovirus were reported in the first week of December. The report also said that this is the highest number of cases…

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How to prevent your child from falling sick this winter read full article in hindi

How to prevent your child from falling sick this winter read full article in hindi

Children are more likely to fall ill during the winter season. This is mostly due to their still developing immune system. Due to this, they may have to face many health problems like cold, cough, fever, rashes, sore throat, flu, congestion and respiratory tract infection. Your child’s immune system becomes weak during the cold months. Due to this, they are more at risk of viruses and infections. This is why it becomes important for parents to give priority to their child’s physical health during winter. Focus on boosting their immunity…

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If blood clots are forming in the veins due to pollution, then these serious diseases can occur.

If blood clots are forming in the veins due to pollution, then these serious diseases can occur.

People of Delhi-NCR are facing double blow these days. On one hand, there is severe cold and on top of that, the poison of pollution, Delhi has once again become a gas chamber where AQI is above 450. In such a situation, people need to be very careful. Health is deteriorating due to cold and the combination of pollution with cold has become even more dangerous. Latest research shows that due to pollution, the risk of blood clots in the veins increases by 100 percent. Blood clot formation in the…

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Bloating and improper digestion can be treated with a combination of lifestyle changes.

Bloating and improper digestion can be treated with a combination of lifestyle changes.

We suffer from the problem of flatulence during winter season. Because due to various festivals we eat a lot of unhealthy food. According to health experts, some suggestions have been given to cure the problem of flatulence and improve poor digestion. Flatulence is a common problem, which is often triggered by overeating or eating gas-forming foods. Today we will tell you special tips for strong gut health. Eat and drink slowly: Eating and drinking too quickly can cause you to swallow excess air. Avoid certain foods: Try to identify the…

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top ayurvedic remedies you should know to lower uric acid

top ayurvedic remedies you should know to lower uric acid

Nowadays any disease is attacking people due to bad lifestyle and eating habits. These days the number of uric acid patients is increasing day by day. In winter, there is overdose of tea, coffee and food and physical activities are almost non-existent, due to which everything from BP, sugar to uric acid increases. High protein diet and drinking less water in winter also increases high uric acid. Due to which kidney can get damaged and the risk of stroke-heart problem can increase. The risk of these diseases can increase in…

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health tips winter viruses can make sick know how to avoid it

health tips winter viruses can make sick know how to avoid it

winter virus :The month of December is going on. The temperature is falling every day. It is getting cold in North India. Many types of diseases also spread rapidly in this season. Cases of common cold increase. Cold and cough lead to sneezing. When someone in the house falls ill, gradually the rest also start getting affected. This weather is suitable for viruses. Health agencies say that the havoc of winter virus has been seen in European countries since the Covid-19 epidemic. Due to which the risk of triple epidemic…

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Health Tips Fat Things Keep The Body Warm In Winter Take Fish Green Vegetables Peanuts Butter

Health Tips Fat Things Keep The Body Warm In Winter Take Fish Green Vegetables Peanuts Butter

Winter Warm Foods: The food pattern changes in the winter season. Some people take care of their fitness and avoid eating fatty foods. But do you know that the milk, cream, chips which are used in abundance in the winter season, may increase the weight of the body, but it also keeps our body warm. By keeping the body warm in the winter season, many types of diseases can be avoided. Let us know the benefits of eating fatty things. Fat is important in the cold According to many health…

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Health Tips Spices For Better Immunity In Winter Know Benefits

Health Tips Spices For Better Immunity In Winter Know Benefits

Immunity Booster Food: The bitter cold has knocked. In this season, it is common to have diseases like cold, cold, fever. Along with cold, the risk of flu and virus also increases. In such a situation, there is more need to take care of health. Many such things are also present in the house, which can save you from these diseases. Like spices. There are many such spices in the kitchen, using which you can make your immunity strong (Immunity Booster). Many of their diseases can also be avoided. Let’s…

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