{“_id”:”678d37473030e2f7f602bad7″,”slug”:”delhi-weather-news-cold-in-morning-and-evening-less-feeling-of-cold-in-afternoon-2025-01-19″,” type”:”feature-story”,”status”:”publish”,”title_hn”:”Delhi Weather News: Cold in the morning and evening, less feeling of cold in the afternoon, know how it will be in future Weather”,”category”:{“title”:”City & states”,”title_hn”:”City & States”,”slug”:”city-and-states”}} A view from the line of duty – Photo: Amar Ujala Expansion Although the cold persists in the morning and evening in the capital. But, as the day progressed on Sunday, it felt hotter due to the intensity of the sun. People removed their jackets and warm clothes. In the first scorching heat, people were seen wiping sweat from their faces.…
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