health tips overeating may cause heart attack in winter

Overeating and heart attack: Winter season is considered the best from food point of view. The variety of food is also more in this season. In this season, people eat a lot of their favorite things but experts are cautioning against it. He says that eating too much in winter increases the risk of heart attack. Let us know why this happens… Why does eating too much cause heart attack? According to health experts, many changes occur in the body during winter. Due to low temperature the veins of the…

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Winter season can give double attack, heart patients should take care of heart like this

Health TipsAlthough the winter season is about to end, the cold has forced everyone to shiver. In many areas of North India, it is extremely cold even in late January. The effect of which is visible on people’s health. The effect of this season is more visible on people suffering from chronic diseases. This season is no less than a danger for heart patients. They may have to go through many complications in this season. In winter, the risk of double attack of heart attack and stroke also increases manifold.…

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Why the risk of blood clot increases in winter, know the reason and treatment

Blood Clot: Winter season increases the risk of many diseases. The problem of blood clot formation is very high in this season. There is a risk of heart attack and brain stroke due to formation of blood clots in the body. The cases of heart attack and brain stroke also increase significantly in winter. Both have fatal causes and due to these, most people die in the cold. In such a situation, let us know why blood clot occurs in winter and how we can avoid it… Why does blood…

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Winter Health Care Tips Fingers Swelling Home Remedies Due To Cold

Fingers Swelling: There is an outbreak of cold wave in North India. Hands and feet are chilled due to cold. Due to severe cold, many people get swelling in their hands and toes. Fingers start turning red and blue, there is also the problem of itching (Fingers Swelling). In such a situation, the number of patients in the skin department of the hospital has increased rapidly. Due to falling temperature, cold has increased and people are facing skin related problems. Let us know what this problem is, why it occurs…

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Winter Health Tips Cold And Pollution Increase Stroke Risk

Pollution And Stroke: Air pollution in Delhi is worrying everyone. The air quality has been bad for several months. Which is having a bad effect on health. According to health experts, prolonged exposure to polluted air increases the risk of many chronic and fatal diseases. If efforts are not made to stop it in time, it can become a big challenge. According to the Central Pollution Control Board, the average AQI of Delhi on Friday was 340, which is in very poor quality. Many researches have also revealed that poor…

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Winter Health Tips Know Sesame Jaggery Benefits Till Gud Ke Fayde In Hindi

Winter Health Tips: In winter, people eat different types of things to protect their body from cold. Most people try to keep their body warm with cashew-almonds or dry fruits. However, due to being expensive, buying cashew-almonds is not within everyone’s reach. In such a situation, Ayurveda doctors have explained the benefits of cheaply available jaggery and sesame (Til gud Benefits). Both these things generate warmth in the body like dry fruits in winter season. Work to maintain body temperature. Let us know the benefits of sesame and jaggery… How…

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Eye Care Tips Room Heater Side Effects For Eyes In Winter

Room Heater Side Effects: Everyone is shivering due to severe cold in North India. To avoid the ever increasing chill, people have now started taking the help of room heaters and blowers. Due to which we are being saved from cold but our eyes are getting dangerous damage (Room Heater Side Effects). Because of this the tears in the eyes have started drying up. Dryness is increasing in the eyes. The number of patients in the hospital has increased by about 30 percent. Let us know how serious is this…

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Health Tips How To Overcome Vitamin D Deficiency Apart From Sunlight

Vitamin D Deficiency: For the body to function properly, adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals including proteins are required. Some of these nutrients are available to the body through diet and some from the environment or being in contact with nature. One of these is Vitamin D, which is a very essential element and helps in keeping the body healthy. The biggest source of Vitamin D is sunlight. However, due to less sunlight in winter, the body does not get sufficient amount of Vitamin D. In such a situation, know…

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Health Tips These 5 Tasty Ladoo For Strong Bones In Winter

Ladoo For Bones : One has to take special care of health during winter season. One has to take special care of food in winter. In this season people prepare and eat different types of laddus. Eating different types of laddus keeps the body warm and provides many health benefits. Some laddus are extremely beneficial for bone health (Ladoo For Bones). Eating these strengthens bones. Let us know about 5 such laddus… Dry Fruits Laddu Eating laddus made from dry fruits like cashews, almonds and dates strengthens weak bones. This…

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Health Tips Sunbathing Benefits In Winter In Hindi

Sunbathing in Winter: The lukewarm sunlight of winter is extremely beneficial for health. It feels good to sit in the sun for hours talking, working or sleeping. Earlier these things used to be common but nowadays due to busy schedules one does not get time to sit in the sun i.e. sunbathing, which can be dangerous. Because sitting in the sun in winter provides both physical and mental benefits. Know what are the benefits of sitting in the cold sun… What are the benefits of sitting in the sun in…

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