Feet Remain Cold Even After Wearing Socks And Taking Off The Blanket Then Be Alert

Cold Feet: Everyone’s condition worsens due to the cold winds in the cold season. Although, warm clothes are used to avoid the weather, but what if there is no relief from the cold even after trying a lot. Actually, the hands and feet of many people remain very cold. They have to use socks and gloves to keep hands and feet warm, but there are some people whose feet are always cold and there is no effect after wearing socks. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to pay attention…

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Home Remedies For Running Nose And Cold

Home Remedies For Running Nose: As much as viral infection bothers in winter, the same problem also causes runny nose. This problem is especially common in children. The temperature has not decreased even a bit that his nose starts running. Along with it cold and cough also grips. Apart from children, runny nose also bothers the elders a lot. In such a situation, it seems that one can get relief soon. For whose sake the rush to the doctor starts in a hurry. But instead of panicking in such a…

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