Winter Special

51 year old shop… 51 types of Gajak, once you taste it you will not be able to forget the taste.

Shakti Singh/Kota.There is a 51 year old Hadoti Gajak shop in Education City. Who make…

This biscuit available in winter is very special, its taste is such that 300 kg is consumed in a few hours.

Nikhil Swami/Bikaner. Bikaner is a city of food and drink. Many types of food items…

Kat Baffle of this place is famous all over the country, its taste is such that even seven dishes pale in comparison to it, know the recipe.

Shakti Singh/Kota. Education City Kota is known throughout the country as the engineering and medical…

this-special-sweet-is-available-for-2-months-in-the-harsh-cold – News18 Hindi

Manmohan Seju/Barmer. Dishes made from sesame seeds and jaggery are especially consumed in winter because…