women health tips after delivery for skin mind and overall body

Post Partum Tips: After delivery, women are busy taking care of the child all day, due to which they are not able to find time for themselves. Many types of hormonal changes occur during pregnancy, which increases many problems. The challenges increase even more after delivery. Women have to stay awake all night to take care of the child. Due to which they do not get enough sleep and remain physically and mentally tired. That is why doctors advise women to take care of themselves after pregnancy. They advise to…

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Preserved Umbilical Cord can become a child’s lifeline, with its help a 14 year old case was solved.

Preserved Umbilical Cord: A couple in Haryana became parents for the first time in 2010. Their first child was born through normal delivery. Within 10 days of birth the child started having fever and difficulty in breathing. He was admitted to the ICU and ventilatory support was started. The child had pneumonia and sepsis, due to which he died within 6 weeks. After four abortions in the next 11 years i.e. till 2021, the couple had a child by cesarean, in which the same symptoms were found. He also died…

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Vitamins are very important for women too, a little carelessness can prove costly.

Vitamins: Women often ignore fatigue after working all day, but it could also be the lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the body. Vitamins play an important role in women. This helps in increasing their fertility, bone strength and immunity. If this problem is not taken care of at the right time, many problems may arise in the future. Let us know why vitamins are important for women… How is deficiency of vitamins in the body detected? Due to deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals in the body of…

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health tips migraine problem in women know causes and symptoms in hindi

Women Migraine Problem: Sometimes mild headache can be common but when there is very severe or severe headache then one should be careful, because it can be a problem of migraine. Migraine may occur more often in women than in men. According to experts, hormonal fluctuations are more in women. Due to this, migraine may occur more often in them. Talking about migraine, it is a severe headache which starts from one side of the head. There may be problems like nausea, vomiting, irritability on hearing noise. Usually migraine pain…

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Should one travel every day during pregnancy or not? Know the answer from experts

Pregnancy And Travel: Many changes occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy. Because of which special care has to be taken. Doctors also advise to take proper care of mother and child. During pregnancy, the weight of women increases, which causes discomfort and difficulty in maintaining balance. Because of which women are also prohibited from travelling. However, some women have to travel a little bit every day. In such a situation, let us know whether a pregnant woman should travel daily or not… pregnancy How safe is it to travel…

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Why does one vomit at the sight of food during pregnancy, why even the smell of food does not taste good? Know the reason

Pregnancy: Vomiting and nausea are considered common during pregnancy. Almost every woman has to face these problems during pregnancy. At this time he always suffers from morning sickness. Due to which they start avoiding eating anything during this period. Some women complain that in the beginning of pregnancy, they feel like vomiting even after seeing any food item for three months. Let us know whether this is normal or an indication of some problem… Why does one vomit after seeing food during pregnancy? Journals.uchicago.edu According to a research published in,…

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Women Health Tips Precautions In First Trimester Of Pregnancy In Hindi

Pregnancy Precautions: Women need to take special care during pregnancy. During this time, women’s body is very delicate, hence they need extra care. Even a little carelessness at this time can cause many serious problems. Since at the beginning of pregnancy, constant changes begin to occur in a woman’s hormones and body. Therefore, one has to manage pregnancy care tips accordingly. One should try to avoid any kind of carelessness and mistake in the first three months of pregnancy. Let us know what should and what not to do in…

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Women Health Tips Pcos Symptoms Causes And Treatment In Hindi

PCOS Symptoms: PCOS i.e. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome…a disease, which is in the grip of about 116 million women around the world today. According to a WHO report, PCOS is such a common condition that appears in women after an age. It is a hormonal condition, which mostly affects the ovaries of women. Because of this, period problems start in women, extra androgen and polycystic ovary occurs, in which the ovaries become large. There are many fluid-filled sacs in it, which are called cysts. Let us know what kind of symptoms…

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