what are some possible causes of female infertility know about full details

what are some possible causes of female infertility know about full details

Infertility in Women: Be it a woman or a man, the problem of infertility has become a serious problem nowadays. We are saying this because its number is constantly increasing. The most surprising thing is that women and men of young age are facing the problem of infertility. Today we will talk about women, what are the reasons due to which the problem of infertility is increasing so seriously in women. Bad eating habits and lifestyle increase the risk of infertility. But for your information, let us tell you that…

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women health tips uterus prolapse causes risk prevention in hindi

women health tips uterus prolapse causes risk prevention in hindi

Uterus Prolapse : The uterus is the reproductive organ of a woman. It plays an important role in giving birth to a child, keeping it and nourishing it, so doctors advise to take special care of it (uterus), because a little carelessness can increase many problems. Due to this, serious diseases like infection, swelling, cyst and cancer can occur in the uterus. Apart from this, the uterus can slip out, which can be dangerous. In such a situation, let us know what problems can occur due to slipping of the…

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Tampons can make you sick, they contain dangerous metals which are not good for health

Tampons can make you sick, they contain dangerous metals which are not good for health

According to a report, dangerous metals have been found in tampons. Continuous use of which can cause many types of physical problems. According to a report published in the ‘University of California’, 30 tampons of 14 brands were tested. 16 dangerous metals were found in all these tampons. This metal is very dangerous for health. In the United States, about 52 to 86% people use tampons during periods. Tampons contain dangerous metals Tampons contain dangerous metals. Using these dangerous metals during periods can increase the risk of many diseases in women.…

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Side effects of contraceptive pills in Hindi for women health tips

Side effects of contraceptive pills in Hindi for women health tips

Side effects of contraceptive pills : Most women use contraceptive pills to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Using these pills for a long time can also be dangerous. Actually, these pills (Contraceptive Pills) may be helpful in preventing pregnancy, but due to working in a hormonal way, many types of problems can start in women who consume them, so these pills should never be taken without consulting a doctor. Side Effects of Birth Control Pills 1. Heart diseaseSome studies have found that contraceptive pills are not good for heart health. They can…

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World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024 Theme Poster History and Significance in Hindi

World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024 Theme Poster History and Significance in Hindi

World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024: ‘World Menstrual Hygiene’ Day is celebrated every year on 28 May all over the world. It is celebrated so that women can be made aware about cleanliness during periods. Periods are a natural process that occurs in women. Every woman has to go through this after a certain age. If women do not take care of cleanliness during periods, they may have to suffer from serious illness. Negligence in cleanliness during periods can give rise to serious problems. Let’s know its importance and theme. History…

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More than 4 crore women are victims of this serious disease, most are unaware of its danger, know its symptoms

More than 4 crore women are victims of this serious disease, most are unaware of its danger, know its symptoms

Endometriosis: Recently, Bollywood actress and Shilpa Shetty’s sister Shamita Shetty underwent endometriosis surgery. Shamita herself shared a video on her social media account and told people about this disease, and also advised women to be careful and aware of this disease of the uterus. In our country, about 4.2 crore women are suffering from endometriosis disease, but they are not able to detect this disease on time, because what they ignore as normal pain, bleeding or cramps, later turns out to be the problem of endometriosis. can cause. What is…

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At this age, are you also wearing high heels? You may fall into the trap of fashion.

At this age, are you also wearing high heels? You may fall into the trap of fashion.

High Heels Side Effects: To make themselves stylish, nowadays girls like to wear high heels in college or office. Some girls are so comfortable in high heels that they can wear them for many hours. You can dance easily wearing this. By the time you reach the age of 40, your bones can suffer serious damage. This can also cause problems in the lower part of the body. Girls who wear high heels regularly have even more dangerous disadvantages. Apart from the feet, high heels can also badly affect the…

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This tree is nectar from root to stem, will provide plenty of ‘iron’ to women’s body, know the secret recipe of its soup

This tree is nectar from root to stem, will provide plenty of ‘iron’ to women’s body, know the secret recipe of its soup

Iron-Rich Lentil Drumstick Soup: You must have seen many women around you who are suffering from anemia. Lack of hemoglobin in the body gives rise to many problems in women like weakness, dizziness, fatigue. Iron is an essential element for women’s body, but due to its deficiency, diseases like anemia surround the body. Although medicines are given to increase iron, but our nature has provided many such medicinal vegetables and fruits which are no less than nectar for our body. One such lifesaving herb is Drumstick. In fact, iron is…

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Keep these things in mind as soon as you cross 30, otherwise you may develop a major disease.

Keep these things in mind as soon as you cross 30, otherwise you may develop a major disease.

Women’s Health Tips: Thirty years of age is a special age in the life of any person when he is in the middle age of life. If seen, this age has special significance in terms of health and personality because after this age, a period of physical and mental change begins in a person. Therefore, doctors also consider this age as a milestone and it is advised that after this age, people should take special care of their health.   Need to take more care of yourself   After this age the…

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Womens day women health know about these most common diseases in women how to detect them

Womens day women health know about these most common diseases in women how to detect them

Women’s Health: Although maintaining good health is a priority for everyone, it is often seen that women become a little careless about their health while taking care of the family. However, women’s health is more complicated than that of men and that is why women need to take more care of their body to stay healthy. There are many diseases which are more vulnerable to women. Let us know today about those diseases of which women are the most victims. diseases common to women breast cancer Breast cancer is one…

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