Why is PCOD disease increasing rapidly in women, know the reason

Why is PCOD disease increasing rapidly in women, know the reason

PCOD Reasons : Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) is a rapidly growing disease in women. A large number of women have become victims of this in the last 10 years. This problem is seen in women between the age of 16 to 40 years. According to the National Library of Medicine, one out of every five women in the country is a victim of PCOS. Because of this there is a risk of infertility. According to a report published in The Lancet in the year 2021, 15-20 percent of women may…

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strong bones and weakness then include these 5 things in milk and drink

strong bones and weakness then include these 5 things in milk and drink

Due to outside food, people have started getting diseases at an early age. Many times, despite trying, we are unable to stop eating outside food and we become victims of disease. We will tell you through this report what to do to keep yourself healthy. Milk is considered very beneficial for our health. This is very important for both physical and mental health. There are many benefits of regular consumption of milk, but when we get some Ayurvedic medicines in milk then milk becomes more powerful. Mix this in milk…

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Vitamin D Deficiency and Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

Vitamin D Deficiency and Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

Vitamin D Deficiency In Women: Women forget to take care of their health amid family responsibilities. After the age of 30, women’s body gradually starts becoming weak. One has to face many deficiency diseases and weaknesses. One such nutrient is Vitamin D deficiency. Due to deficiency of Vitamin D in women, they have to suffer from heart attack, stroke, pain in bones and pain in joints. These symptoms appear on the body due to deficiency of Vitamin D getting very sick Women who are deficient in Vitamin D, their immunity…

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Depression is increasing rapidly in women, know what is the reason, why it is ‘dangerous’

Depression is increasing rapidly in women, know what is the reason, why it is ‘dangerous’

Depression: A cautionary research report has come out regarding the mental health of women. In which it was told that women who are depressed have the highest risk of cardiovascular diseases. In this research report published in JACC Asia, cardiovascular disease (CVD) was examined in women and men. It was found that the risk of heart disease in men suffering from depression was 1.39% and 1.64% in women. Not only this, the risk of stroke, heart failure, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and atrial fibrillation was also higher in women compared…

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Heart attacks are increasing rapidly in women, know what is the reason for this

Heart attacks are increasing rapidly in women, know what is the reason for this

Heart attack in women: Due to the changing lifestyle and eating habits of women, the risk of heart attack is also increasing rapidly. Its cases have increased rapidly in the last few years. According to a report by the medical journal Lancet, the cases of heart attacks in women have increased by about 20 percent in the last 10 years. The main reason for which is change in lifestyle and increase in smoking among women. According to health experts, the diet and lifestyle of women has deteriorated considerably compared to…

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Women’s Day 2024: Women’s Day is a national holiday in these countries

Women’s Day 2024: Women’s Day is a national holiday in these countries

Happy Women’s Day: Generally, a holiday is kept on some special day or festival in every country. However, this happens in very few countries where a holiday is kept on an international day. Today is Women’s Day. In such a situation, we are going to tell you about such countries which keep a holiday on this day celebrated in honor of women. So that this day can be celebrated in a very special way without worrying about work. So let’s know about those countries. There is a holiday in these…

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These 5 types of cancer are common in women, know what things are important to keep in mind

These 5 types of cancer are common in women, know what things are important to keep in mind

Common Cancer In Women’s: Actress Dolly Sohi, who worked in Jhanak, has died of cervical cancer. This is a common cancer occurring in women. Not only cervical cancer, there are some other cancers which are common in women. With increasing age, immunity starts decreasing and women’s body goes through many changes. Such changes sometimes increase problems and take the form of cancer. Let us tell you which are those cancers which many women have to face. breast cancer This cancer occurring in women comes at the top. As age increases…

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International Womens Day 2024 mahila diwas goswami Tulsidas thoughts about women in ramcharitmanas chaupai

International Womens Day 2024 mahila diwas goswami Tulsidas thoughts about women in ramcharitmanas chaupai

International Women’s Day 2024: March 08 is a very special day for women all over the world. On this day, International Women’s Day (Mahila Diwas) is celebrated to create awareness among people about respect and equal rights of women. Besides, women are also honored for their contribution in various fields. Let us tell you that the United Nations started celebrating March 8 as Women’s Day in 1975. In our country too, many poems and articles etc. are written for women. Even in Ramcharitmanas of Hindu religion, saint poet Tulsidas ji…

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womens day 2024 best superfoods for women good health know benefits

womens day 2024 best superfoods for women good health know benefits

International Women’s Day 2024 : A woman manages the house the whole day. She takes responsibilities in every way. Tirelessly and without stopping, she fulfills the wishes of her family and keeps them healthy. In such a situation, it is very important that their health remains intact and they do not have any kind of problems. Actually, there are many periods in a woman’s life when her body goes through a process of change. These include the beginning of periods, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause. In such a situation, they are advised…

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International Womens Day 2024 Which vitamin deficiency is most common in women

International Womens Day 2024 Which vitamin deficiency is most common in women

Women’s Day 2024: Today’s women are keeping pace with men. Not only this, she is touching new heights and success in every field. Amidst all this, he has to maintain a balance between home and office, which has a negative impact on his health. Due to lack of sleep and not eating food on time, today’s women are becoming victims of depression and irritability. Most of the women are suffering from anemia. Apart from all this, body ache, headache and heart related diseases are associated somewhere in the life of…

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