Gym Workout Tips to avoid Heart Attack Gym Tips Gym Supplement

Gym Workout Tips: Going to the gym, looking hit and fit has become the fashion of this new era. The crowd of youth in the gym from morning till evening is an example of this. In the pursuit of body building, it has been seen many times that people spoil their health by using wrong techniques or by taking useless supplements. Whose effect is directly visible on his heart. You must have seen many such videos, where while doing gym, a person suddenly got a heart attack and even lost…

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Fitness Tips Know How Long Workout Is Best In Hindi

Workout Minutes: Nowadays people do heavy exercises for many hours for fitness. We sweat for many hours in the gym. But do you know how long you should actually workout to stay fit? Recently, in a report published in Harvard Health, it was told that after studying the fitness, health problems and exercise timing of thousands of people around the world, it was found that there is no benefit in doing more workouts. Therefore, it is wise to do only as much workout as is useful. Let us know what…

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These exercises are very bad for knees, are your bones suffering due to your workout?

Worst Workout For Knees: You must have always heard that doing workouts strengthens bones. Along with this, the strength of the muscles also increases. There is no doubt about these things. Nor are there any such disadvantages of workouts due to which it is advised not to exercise. But it is also important to keep in mind that different people, age groups and body types have different effects of workouts. Especially after the age of 35 to 40, if you exercise, then it is very important to take care of…

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How To Make The Most Of The Thirty Minutes Post Workout

Workout Tips: Everyone does workouts to stay fit. It is also good for your health. We read and learn a lot about what kind of workout we should do and what kind of exercises we should do, however, do we pay attention to what happens after a workout? Usually feeling huffy and bloated after a never ending session, all we want to do after a tiring workout session is take a nap. However, it may ruin your earlier workout efforts. All you need to do is take 30 minutes after…

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Running For Health: You do not even do these mistakes after workout, know before it harms the body

Running For Good Health: There is nothing better than a good long run. The adrenaline rush and energy we feel after completing our daily routine is incomparable and makes us feel that we have utilized our day to the fullest. But what do you do after you run? Go home, take a shower and start your busy day, right? Though we all are busy with our lives and plan our days accordingly, doing certain activities after an intense running session can hinder your workout efforts. There are general post-run routines…

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Winter Workout Tips: Don’t feel like exercising during winters? So you can make a figure like Anushka with these activities at home

Winter Workout Tips: During winters, the most difficult task that people find is going to the gym and exercising. Often in cold days everyone feels like staying at home. Be it in the morning or in the evening everyone starts feeling lazy to go to the gym. In such a situation, our body starts getting harmed by not going to the gym. If you do not exercise daily, you become a victim of obesity. Apart from this, many diseases take birth in you. But you do not need to worry,…

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