HIV is a virus it can be transmitted through certain body fluids from an infected person

HIV is a virus it can be transmitted through certain body fluids from an infected person

There are both male and female condoms. They are effective when used properly. External condoms are the common condoms that most people use these days. Internal condoms are those that fit inside the vagina. The lube found in condoms protects against unwanted pregnancy, HIV and many other serious diseases. You can get HIV even if you use a condom As far as the question is concerned, whether having sex with more than one partner despite the use of condoms can lead to the risk of HIV? So the answer is…

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AIDS Day Know About Different Type Of Test That Are Available To Detect HIV How Much They Cost

AIDS Day Know About Different Type Of Test That Are Available To Detect HIV How Much They Cost

AIDS Day: AIDS Day is being celebrated all over the world today on 1 December. AIDS i.e. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is caused by the HIV virus. When a patient infected with HIV virus is not treated for a long time, then the risk of getting AIDS increases. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus weakens the immunity system of the person due to which the body becomes weak in fighting other diseases. If the HIV virus is treated in time, then the person avoids AIDS. Along with this, the…

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World Aids Day Women Have Different Symptoms As Compared To Men In HIV Aids Know The Main Symptoms In Women Here

World Aids Day Women Have Different Symptoms As Compared To Men In HIV Aids Know The Main Symptoms In Women Here

World AIDS Day: December 1 is celebrated every year as ‘World Aids Day’. On this day people are made aware of AIDS and told about the ways to avoid it. Even today no new medicine or treatment has been made for this disease. According to the ‘World Health Organization’, by the end of 2021, there are 3.84 crore people worldwide. who are infected with the HIV virus. In 2021, about 6.5 lakh people have died due to HIV worldwide. AIDS means ‘Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome’. AIDS is caused by HIV…

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