World Cancer Day Never Ignore This One Sign On Your Nail

World Cancer Day 2023: When we think of cancer, we often overlook the simple signs and this is where the problem begins. Some symptoms of any type of skin cancer are minor like scars, moles, skin lesions on the skin. When it comes to our skin and nails, we are very easily swayed but there are so many things they can tell you. Doctors warn that a simple dark line on your nail could be a sign of melanoma. Yes, cancer can also grow inside the nails. Today in this…

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World Cancer Day These Foods That Fight Cancer

World Cancer Day 2023: On February 4, the whole world celebrates this day as World Cancer Day. The date has gained worldwide popularity as a day to raise awareness about cancer. World Cancer Day is celebrated by various organizations around the world, so that how this disease can be prevented through diet and food can be told. To spread awareness about it, people are made aware through many programs, seminars and even campaigns. Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world Cancer prevention requires inculcating and implementing healthy…

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