‘World’s fastest train’, the speed will be so much that you will be shocked to know, the design is amazing!

‘World’s fastest train’, the speed will be so much that you will be shocked to know, the design is amazing!

FluxJet Train: Canadian startup Transpod has announced an incredible plan to build the world’s fastest train named Fluxjet, the speed of which will be so much that you will be shocked. Just understand that a journey of many miles will be covered in a matter of minutes. Kilometer distances between cities will further reduce. The design of this train is amazing, you will be surprised to see it. What will be the speed of this train?According to the report of The Sun, the speed of this train will be 621…

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Japanese Bullet Train Vs Chinese Bullet Train Which One Is Best

Japanese Bullet Train Vs Chinese Bullet Train Which One Is Best

Bullet Train: In terms of technology, Japan and China are known worldwide. Due to this technology, in the case of high speed trains, the name of both the countries comes first. However, apart from these two, semi high speed and high speed trains are also running in many other countries including India. But, in terms of speed, China and Japan are far ahead of other countries. Let us understand which of these two countries has better bullet train. Bullet train of Japan The world’s first bullet train was run by…

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