This is the tallest bull in the world know its height

There are millions of animals around the world. Some of these animals are known for their different specialties. But today we are going to tell you about the world’s tallest bull. Yes, the size of this bull is much bigger than humans. Know which country this bull is in and what is its name. The tallest bull Let us tell you that when bulls are castrated, they become bulls. Most of the bulls are used for plowing or other work in the field. However, now after the advent of machines,…

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guinness world records 2024 teeth beard and neck this man made a world record with these three

Guinness World Records 2024: You must have seen many powerful people in the world. But do you know of any person who has made a world record with the help of his beard, neck and teeth? Let us tell you today about one such person who made a world record with his teeth, beard and neck. who is this person The name of the person we are talking about is Dmytro Hrunsky. Dmytro Hrunsky is a resident of Ukraine. He made three new world records in a single day using…

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Andrea Lanfri has no legs yet he climbed Everest this person is amazing Guinness World Record

Climbing Everest, one of the highest peaks in the world, is not within the reach of adults. Many times people lose their lives while climbing it. To climb it, first you have to take training for months, then after going somewhere you get permission for it. However, today we are not going to tell you the process of climbing Everest. Rather, today we are going to tell you the story of a person who does not have both legs and seven fingers in his hands. Even after this, this person…

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Unique record in the name of Indian daughter, song sung in 140 languages, name registered in Guinness Book

Daughters are no less than anyone, this has been proved once again by India’s daughter Sucheta Satish. You will be surprised to know that Sucheta has made a unique record in her name by singing songs in not just one or two but 140 languages. No one in the world has been able to accomplish this feat till date. For this reason, Sucheta’s name has also been recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. Videos of Sucheta’s performance are going viral on social media. Sucheta, a resident of Kerala,…

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Worlds Smallest Dog Named Pearl Its Size Is Like A Dollar Note

World’s smallest dog: Some things in the world are really surprising. There are different types of animals in the world, they have different colors, different textures and different sizes. Although animals of every species have almost the same size, but the size of some jawans of the same species is quite different from the rest of their companions. Some are huge and some are very small. Today we are going to tell you about one such dog, knowing about which you will be surprised. smallest dog in the world This…

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Worlds Heaviest Bicycle Kleine Johanna It Looks Like An Elephant

World’s Heaviest Bicycle: In childhood, all children are very fond of riding a bicycle. By cycling we learn to walk on the road, balance, follow the rules. Cycle is said to be the basis of bike, scooter and car, as it teaches to anticipate the traffic on the road and decide whether to move forward or stop. But just think that if a cycle is as big as a truck, will a child be able to ride that cycle? Today we are going to tell you about such a cycle,…

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Burj Khalifa That Storms And Earthquake Cannot Harm Anything

Burj Khalifa: You must have heard a lot about Burj Khalifa of Dubai. How special it is, how grand it is and what is special about it… You must have read a lot about it, but have you ever wondered what is so special about this building that is maintaining its grandeur. Even if there is a storm or an earthquake, but this skyscraper stands very firmly. In such a situation, today we will tell you what is special in the foundation of this building, due to which earthquakes and…

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Michel Lotito Ate The Entire Airplane Made Guinness World Record Guinness Interesting Facts

Michael Lotito: Many humans on earth are known for strange reasons. Due to their unique exploits, the names of many people are also recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. Michel Lotito, a resident of France, was also one such person. He was known for eating strange things. He was such an unusual person that the entire airplane was eaten up. Yes, you may not believe it, but it is absolutely true. Michel Lotito was born on 15 June 1950 in Grenoble, France. He started eating unusual things from…

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Walter Orthman Made the World By Working In The Same Company For 84 Years Guinness World Record

Guinness World Records: A survey says that a working person changes an average of 12 companies in his whole life. The main reasons for which are better posts and increase in salary. But, one surprising thing is that there is a person in the world who has given 84 years of his life in the name of only one company. This person never changed the company in his career and has set a world record by working for one company for a total of 84 years. Let’s know who is…

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World Record Of Climbing Africas Highest Mountain Peak Mount Kilimanjaro By Bicycle In 3 Days By Preeti Negi

World Record of Mountain Climbing: Every day some or the other amazing feat happens in the world. The world is full of people who have the ability to surprise everyone with their rock-strong spirit and relentless effort. Only such people make world records. Records are made, broken and then new records are made in different corners of the world. Our country is also no less than anyone in making records. The country is full of people with different skills and determination. By doing one such feat, a daughter of India…

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