world record

This is the tallest bull in the world know its height

There are millions of animals around the world. Some of these animals are known for…

guinness world records 2024 teeth beard and neck this man made a world record with these three

Guinness World Records 2024: You must have seen many powerful people in the world. But…

Andrea Lanfri has no legs yet he climbed Everest this person is amazing Guinness World Record

Climbing Everest, one of the highest peaks in the world, is not within the reach…

Unique record in the name of Indian daughter, song sung in 140 languages, name registered in Guinness Book

Daughters are no less than anyone, this has been proved once again by India's daughter…

Worlds Smallest Dog Named Pearl Its Size Is Like A Dollar Note

World's smallest dog: Some things in the world are really surprising. There are different types…

Worlds Heaviest Bicycle Kleine Johanna It Looks Like An Elephant

World's Heaviest Bicycle: In childhood, all children are very fond of riding a bicycle. By…

Burj Khalifa That Storms And Earthquake Cannot Harm Anything

Burj Khalifa: You must have heard a lot about Burj Khalifa of Dubai. How special…

Michel Lotito Ate The Entire Airplane Made Guinness World Record Guinness Interesting Facts

Michael Lotito: Many humans on earth are known for strange reasons. Due to their unique…

Walter Orthman Made the World By Working In The Same Company For 84 Years Guinness World Record

Guinness World Records: A survey says that a working person changes an average of 12…

World Record Of Climbing Africas Highest Mountain Peak Mount Kilimanjaro By Bicycle In 3 Days By Preeti Negi

World Record of Mountain Climbing: Every day some or the other amazing feat happens in…