Now this man has become the oldest man in the world his name registered in Guinness World Records

Do you know who is the oldest person in the world? Today we will tell you who is the oldest person in the world now? Let us tell you that recently John Tinniswood has become the oldest man in the world. His age is currently 111 years. Who was the oldest person before this? Let us tell you that this week 114 year old John Vicente Perez of Venezuela died. After this, Britain’s Tinniswood has now become the oldest man in the world. He has given credit for his long…

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Elderly woman broke her own record, Guinness itself congratulated, defeated everyone from World War to Covid

Sometimes some records touch new heights in the world. So some things seem as if it had just happened. Or many people do not think it is a big deal after hearing about them. But living a long life for humans has always been a great achievement. Living more than a hundred years is not a big deal. Recently something similar happened when the world’s oldest woman celebrated the 117th anniversary of her life. This woman named Maria Branias Moreira became the oldest woman in the world only last year…

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Burj Khalifa That Storms And Earthquake Cannot Harm Anything

Burj Khalifa: You must have heard a lot about Burj Khalifa of Dubai. How special it is, how grand it is and what is special about it… You must have read a lot about it, but have you ever wondered what is so special about this building that is maintaining its grandeur. Even if there is a storm or an earthquake, but this skyscraper stands very firmly. In such a situation, today we will tell you what is special in the foundation of this building, due to which earthquakes and…

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Man with worlds longest tongue shows off unique painting skills on TV

‘Your tongue is very long…’ This line is usually used for those people who eat anything anywhere. Whose mind starts getting tempted on seeing the food. But imagine if your tongue becomes really long. So long that what will happen if it is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. By the way, the tongue of a common person is between 7.9 cm to 8.5 cm i.e. from 3.1 inch to 3.3 inch. But Nick Stoeberl of America has the longest tongue (male) in the world. You will be surprised…

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Michel Lotito Ate The Entire Airplane Made Guinness World Record Guinness Interesting Facts

Michael Lotito: Many humans on earth are known for strange reasons. Due to their unique exploits, the names of many people are also recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. Michel Lotito, a resident of France, was also one such person. He was known for eating strange things. He was such an unusual person that the entire airplane was eaten up. Yes, you may not believe it, but it is absolutely true. Michel Lotito was born on 15 June 1950 in Grenoble, France. He started eating unusual things from…

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Walter Orthman Made the World By Working In The Same Company For 84 Years Guinness World Record

Guinness World Records: A survey says that a working person changes an average of 12 companies in his whole life. The main reasons for which are better posts and increase in salary. But, one surprising thing is that there is a person in the world who has given 84 years of his life in the name of only one company. This person never changed the company in his career and has set a world record by working for one company for a total of 84 years. Let’s know who is…

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World Record Of Climbing Africas Highest Mountain Peak Mount Kilimanjaro By Bicycle In 3 Days By Preeti Negi

World Record of Mountain Climbing: Every day some or the other amazing feat happens in the world. The world is full of people who have the ability to surprise everyone with their rock-strong spirit and relentless effort. Only such people make world records. Records are made, broken and then new records are made in different corners of the world. Our country is also no less than anyone in making records. The country is full of people with different skills and determination. By doing one such feat, a daughter of India…

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World Record For Eating The Worlds Hottest Chili How To Measure How Hot A Chili Is

How Hot a Chili Is: If there is a little too much chilli in the food, then sweating starts. The hottest chili in the world is the Carolina Reaper. Will you believe if we tell you that a person has made a world record by eating this world’s hottest chili in a few seconds? Yes, you heard it right, this person has created a world record by eating 10 Carolina Reapers in just 33.15 seconds. After which the name of this person got included in the Guinness Book of World…

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