YouTube has Launched its New Feature Playables which is offering 75 free games to Play Online

YouTube has Launched its New Feature Playables which is offering 75 free games to Play Online

Youtube Games: If you are also bored listening to songs, watching movies or videos on YouTube, then now you can also play games on YouTube. YouTube has started rolling out this feature. Actually YouTube is rolling out its ‘Playables’ feature on Android, iOS and Web platforms. Last year YouTube started testing it and now the company is starting to roll out this feature. The updated Playables will give users a chance to enjoy a lot of light games within the YouTube app itself. These games are a fun and interactive…

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YouTube Playables launched with 75 Games including GTA for ios, android and Web

YouTube Playables launched with 75 Games including GTA for ios, android and Web

YouTube Playables: Till now you must have been watching videos and listening to songs on YouTube, but now you will also be able to play games on YouTube. YouTube has started rolling out this new feature for its users. The name of this new feature of YouTube is Playables. YouTube has launched this new Playables feature for Android, iOS and web platforms. youtube gaming feature Through this new feature, gamers will now be able to enjoy gaming experience in the YouTube app itself. Actually, through this new feature Playables on…

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