VIDEO: A house as small as a matchbox! 1 person will feel suffocated even while living there, he will be shocked after knowing the rent!

VIDEO: A house as small as a matchbox!  1 person will feel suffocated even while living there, he will be shocked after knowing the rent!

When it comes to rented houses, a person tries to ensure that the rent of the house is within his budget, but it should be big enough so that he can live there comfortably, either alone or with someone. If you are asked how big a house should be for one person to live, you will say that one room should be big enough in which he can move around comfortably. It should have a kitchen, bathroom, shelves, balcony and should also be ventilated. But these days a video of…

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Woman found such a way to earn money, immediately left her job, work is for 2 hours, then only rest!

Woman found such a way to earn money, immediately left her job, work is for 2 hours, then only rest!

You must have often seen that people don’t know what they do to run their household. If one job doesn’t work, they do many jobs. Some people have to increase their income through side business or investment. In such a situation, if someone leaves his job after raising a family, it will sound very strange. However, a woman has done just that. People are not able to meet their expenses even by working two jobs and a woman left her job because she had found the formula to make money…

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Such a fondness for dancing, a person started dancing after riding an e-rickshaw, became a victim of such an accident, you will laugh after seeing this!

Such a fondness for dancing, a person started dancing after riding an e-rickshaw, became a victim of such an accident, you will laugh after seeing this!

Nowadays, people are so fond of becoming famous by making reels that they start dancing anywhere. People start dancing from railway stations to metro trains also. These days, a video of a young man is going viral in which he is seen dancing while standing on an e-rickshaw. But suddenly the e-rickshaw (Man fall from e-rickshaw video) moves ahead and he meets with such an accident, seeing which you will be worried whether he gets hurt, but along with it you will also laugh a lot. Will come! Recently a…

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The granddaughter came to know about such a secret related to her grandmother, as soon as she heard it, the ground slipped under her feet! Now she is hesitant in telling her mother.

The granddaughter came to know about such a secret related to her grandmother, as soon as she heard it, the ground slipped under her feet!  Now she is hesitant in telling her mother.

Children are so attached to their grandparents that they often leave their parents and start living with them. You will hardly find any person who would be irritated with his maternal grandparents or would not like them. But a girl told such a thing related to her grandmother on social media, after knowing which she started getting irritated with her grandmother. However, now he does not understand whether he should tell his mother about this secret or not. People often share surprising posts on the social media platform Reddit. Recently,…

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‘I won’t let you go hungry!’ A woman selling a cart is no less than a mother; when the food is over, she starts preparing it again for the customer.

‘I won’t let you go hungry!’  A woman selling a cart is no less than a mother; when the food is over, she starts preparing it again for the customer.

Whether children are small or big, a mother always loves and cherishes them in the same way as she used to do when they were small. When children are hungry or need more food, she also gives them her bread. God has given this motherly love to every woman. She can’t see anyone hungry. A similar feeling was seen in a viral video of a woman who sets up a food stall on the roadside. When a customer came to her and asked for more food, she got worried because…

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A bull suddenly attacked while walking on the road, the scooter rider fell under the truck, you will be surprised to see what happened next!

A bull suddenly attacked while walking on the road, the scooter rider fell under the truck, you will be surprised to see what happened next!

The problem of stray animals roaming on the roads is not limited to any one city. In India you will see many such cities where stray animals are found roaming. They sometimes even attack humans. A recent case is from Bengaluru, where a bull (bull hit scooty Bengaluru video) suddenly attacked a scooter rider. After that the person fell under a truck. But what happened next will blow your mind. Recently a video has been posted on Instagram account @gandhadagudi_namana which is going viral on social media these days. You…

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Dog is more polite than humans, drank water from a can, then wiped his mouth himself, have you ever seen this?

Dog is more polite than humans, drank water from a can, then wiped his mouth himself, have you ever seen this?

You must have often seen domestic dogs doing mischief in the house, running here and there. Because of them, a lot of dirt spreads in the house. But not every dog ​​is like this. Some dogs are so well-mannered that they consider their owner’s house as their own and never dirty it. These days a video is going viral in which one such dog (Dog dries mouth video) is seen. This dog first drinks water, then starts wiping its mouth. Looking at this dog you will feel that it is…

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Borrowed Rs 64 lakh, didn’t even have money to eat, man invented such a solution, repaid the loan immediately!

Borrowed Rs 64 lakh, didn’t even have money to eat, man invented such a solution, repaid the loan immediately!

The habit of gambling is so bad that a person’s entire life gets wasted in it. To satisfy the hunger of earning money, a person keeps putting everything at stake and a time comes when he has nothing left. Same thing happened with a person from Wales (Wales man waived off loan in 5 years). He developed a severe gambling addiction, due to which he incurred a debt of lakhs. The situation became such that he did not even have money for food, but he found such a solution that…

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Only a few hours were left to live, there was a chance to have favorite dinner, the police was surprised to hear what the prisoner asked for!

Only a few hours were left to live, there was a chance to have favorite dinner, the police was surprised to hear what the prisoner asked for!

You must have seen in films that when a prisoner is given death sentence, he is asked about his last wish. In many places they are also allowed to choose their last meal. Prisoners like to eat different types of dishes before dying. Let’s order chicken-mutton pizza. But when an American prisoner got this opportunity to order his favorite food at dinner (death row inmate’s last meal), he made such a demand that even the policemen were surprised. According to the report of Daily Star News website, 41-year-old Michael Dewayne…

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