‘What happened to being a millionaire, my life has become spoiled’ Girl regrets becoming rich, tells about disadvantages of money!

‘What happened to being a millionaire, my life has become spoiled’ Girl regrets becoming rich, tells about disadvantages of money!

We all wish to become so rich in our life that all our desires can be fulfilled. Especially if this money is earned with less hard work and at a young age, then what can we say? Same thing happened with a girl, she became a millionaire overnight but now she is feeling more sad than happy about it. The wealth that people dream of has ruined her life, this girl claims. She is regretting her wealth and now only remembers her old lifestyle. According to the report of Daily…

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‘There was an emergency, what should I have done?’, the doctor opened the patient’s chest with the same knife he used to cut fruits!

‘There was an emergency, what should I have done?’, the doctor opened the patient’s chest with the same knife he used to cut fruits!

People consider doctors to be second only to God. There is only one reason for this that if God gives life and doctors give their life to save even the drowning life. Whatever be the problem, as soon as we reach the doctor we assume that it will get cured if not today or tomorrow. Imagine what would happen if the doctor breaks this trust? Whenever a patient goes to a doctor, he feels that he is in safe hands. Imagine what would happen if the doctor plays with the…

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‘If stored like this, spinach will remain fresh for a month’. The person told such a trick, you will be able to use it even after 6 months!

‘If stored like this, spinach will remain fresh for a month’. The person told such a trick, you will be able to use it even after 6 months!

Actually, people working in the kitchen know many things, using which they can make their work easier. Now the era is social media, in such a situation you find many hacks on social media also. One such interesting hack is going viral, in which it is being told how to keep spinach fresh for a long time. Everyone likes spinach among green vegetables but the problem is that it is difficult to store it. Currently, a trick related to keeping it fresh for a month is going viral on social…

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If men want to look young, then follow the tips given by ‘Billionaire’! Vegetarianism and fasting will do wonders

If men want to look young, then follow the tips given by ‘Billionaire’! Vegetarianism and fasting will do wonders

We only know that no one can be immortal on earth. One who is born has to die. However, some people do not want to accept this truth and are ready to do anything to look young. Similarly, an American billionaire Brian Johnson has insisted on looking young. For this he is taking so many medicines and doing so many experiments. To remain young, Brian Johnson had given himself a blood transfusion of his young son a few days ago. Apart from this, to maintain his youth he is taking…

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He had been trying for 7 years, the man’s luck shined, he became a millionaire in one sitting, then whatever he did, he would win hearts!

He had been trying for 7 years, the man’s luck shined, he became a millionaire in one sitting, then whatever he did, he would win hearts!

There are different types of people in the world. Some people want to earn money quickly in their life while some people hope that due to their luck someday they will suddenly get a lot of money. Although this is not a common thing, but some people have tremendous luck. Same thing happened with a person living in China and he became a millionaire just by sitting there. According to the report of South China Morning Post, a person living in Anhui province of China was gambling on lottery tickets…

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Everyone adds ‘Ji-Ji’ in front of their name, what does it mean? Where did this word come from

Everyone adds ‘Ji-Ji’ in front of their name, what does it mean? Where did this word come from

We speak and hear many such things in our daily life, about which we do not know much. We speak some words because we have been hearing them. We know where to use it but we don’t know what it means. Today we will tell you the meaning of one such word, which is small, but we use it many times a day. In everyday life, you must have often seen that people put ‘G’ in front of their name or address to show respect. Like- mother, father, minister, Panditji…

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As soon as the girl came to know about the ‘disgusting’ act of the millionaire boss, the girl reached the court, got a compensation of Rs 23 crore!

As soon as the girl came to know about the ‘disgusting’ act of the millionaire boss, the girl reached the court, got a compensation of Rs 23 crore!

Nowadays everyone is so busy in their work that many times they do not get time to raise their children. In such a situation, either people leave their children in a daycare center or hire a nanny at home who will take care of the children. In return, one gets a good amount of money. Especially in western countries, the salary of a nanny is so high that it has become a full time profession. In this kind of arrangement, there is always a fear that someone might break your…

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Look carefully, where is the horse with the cut tail hidden in the picture? The challenge is to find it in 5 seconds

Look carefully, where is the horse with the cut tail hidden in the picture? The challenge is to find it in 5 seconds

There was a time when people used to solve various types of puzzles to pass time. In their free time, they used to ask each other puzzles, sometimes in language or sometimes in mathematics, and solve them. However, with changing times, the way people spend their time has changed and most people now spend time watching videos on mobile. However, even today, when there is an interesting puzzle in front, the eyes stop at least once. Today’s challenge is quite interesting. In this picture you can see many horses running.…

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‘You did not bring tea and snacks, get out of the job’, the boss made the employee a servant, if he did not agree then took the job!

‘You did not bring tea and snacks, get out of the job’, the boss made the employee a servant, if he did not agree then took the job!

Whenever we go for a job in a firm after completing our studies, we try to learn as much as possible from the experiences of our seniors. For this, their words are given respect and the work given to them has to be done properly. Now the point is that this work should really be a part of your job profile, not someone’s personal one. Many times, seniors in the office start treating their juniors like personal property. Something similar happened with a girl, who had to take breakfast to…

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‘If you want father’s bones, bring 2 crores’, nephew stole uncle’s bones, then started demanding ransom from ‘brother’!

‘If you want father’s bones, bring 2 crores’, nephew stole uncle’s bones, then started demanding ransom from ‘brother’!

What do people do for money in the world? Money is the root cause of murder, robbery and many other terrible crimes. For this, even kidnapping someone is not a big deal. However, the incident we will tell you about today is definitely a bit strange. You would hardly have heard of anyone kidnapping ‘bones’ before. This incident, which sounds very strange, has happened in Vietnam. Here one day a man picked up a spade and went straight to his uncle’s grave. Here he stole the remains of the bones…

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