Poisonous snakes kept crawling on the body, yet the brave soldiers did not run away nor did they move from their place, this video of Indian Army will shock you!

Poisonous snakes kept crawling on the body, yet the brave soldiers did not run away nor did they move from their place, this video of Indian Army will shock you!

You must have heard a lot of stories about the bravery of the Indian Army and its results, but have you ever wondered where our soldiers get so much courage from? So this courage and this passion comes from their dangerous training. If you see it once, your eyes will be wide open with surprise. People run away just by seeing a snake but when it comes to the soldiers of the Indian Army, the way you will see them with this dangerous creature in this video will shock you.…

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She crushes grapes with her feet and sells the juice for thousands of rupees; girl claims- ‘People like the taste of my feet’

She crushes grapes with her feet and sells the juice for thousands of rupees; girl claims- ‘People like the taste of my feet’

If the wine is good, everyone likes to drink it. They are ready to pay a good amount for it. The quality and price of any wine depends on the process by which it is made. What quality of grapes are used in it. Today we will tell you about a girl who is making wine by crushing grapes with her feet and selling it. According to the Oddity Central website, a model from England claims that people like the taste of grapes crushed by her feet. This is the…

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This man is the father of 550 children, he himself does not recognize them, his children are scattered in many countries!

This man is the father of 550 children, he himself does not recognize them, his children are scattered in many countries!

If a person has even 10 children, we are stunned to hear about it. In such a situation, if someone says that he has hundreds of children, then it is natural for our eyes to widen in surprise. Everyone got a similar shock when they came to know that a 42-year-old is the father of a total of 557 children. His children are not in one country but are scattered in different countries of the whole world. Isn’t it strange? Population growth has become a problem in some countries but…

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‘The bride had no idea and the marriage took place…’ When the Russian girl found out her husband’s name, she was stunned!

‘The bride had no idea and the marriage took place…’ When the Russian girl found out her husband’s name, she was stunned!

You must have heard and read a lot about the happiness of the bride and groom and their lavish preparations in weddings. It is a different matter that there would hardly be any bride who finds out after 2 years of marriage that she also has a husband. If you find this incident strange to know, then imagine how that girl would have felt, who found out about her marriage from a government document. Usually when people get married, half the city knows about it, but a strange incident happened…

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What she thought was a ‘hammer’ for 20 years, turned out to be ‘something else’, she used to grind spices every day, now the woman fainted after knowing the truth!

What she thought was a ‘hammer’ for 20 years, turned out to be ‘something else’, she used to grind spices every day, now the woman fainted after knowing the truth!

It happens to all of us that we find a cheaper alternative to anything. Because of this, we save some money and sometimes our creativity is also used to the fullest. However, such a habit can sometimes prove to be costly. Recently, the story of one such woman came into the headlines, whose Jugaadu hammer was actually an instrument of death. The woman had been using a hammer for the past 20 years. The hammer was almost worn out due to hammering nails, cracking walnuts and other household uses. When…

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Aliens seen in America, that too on the road! People were shocked to see the UFO, even the police had to come…

Aliens seen in America, that too on the road! People were shocked to see the UFO, even the police had to come…

There has been a debate for a long time about whether aliens exist or not. While no such evidence has been found till date or anyone has officially confirmed the existence or non-existence of aliens, many such videos keep coming up on social media in which their existence is claimed. Most of the news of sighting of aliens or spotting of UFOs comes up in foreign countries, especially in America. Once again, one such incident is in the headlines. Till now you must have only heard about flying saucers. However,…

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‘Don’t forget to praise your wife’, the man made this mistake, the punishment he got was so horrific, no one can even imagine!

‘Don’t forget to praise your wife’, the man made this mistake, the punishment he got was so horrific, no one can even imagine!

Many times such incidents come to light in the world that you cannot believe it could have happened. Especially when this incident is related to a human relationship. The relationship of husband and wife is considered very important for each other. It is based on the foundation of trust but what happens if someone breaks this trust? Small fights happen between husband and wife but hardly any partner would want to kill the other as a punishment for this. However, a woman gave a horrific punishment to her husband just…

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A man had shifted to a new house, he saw a ‘mysterious’ door in front of him, such a secret was hidden inside, he fainted from shock as soon as he opened it!

A man had shifted to a new house, he saw a ‘mysterious’ door in front of him, such a secret was hidden inside, he fainted from shock as soon as he opened it!

When we shift to a new place, the first thing we do is to look at every corner of the place and estimate how to use which space. Everyone wants to decorate it in their own way. A person also shifted to a new house with the same thinking. However, he had no idea that a different mystery was waiting for him here. The newly shifted person had to find out where he could keep his extra stuff. However, his eyes fell on a door which he fainted in shock…

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A woman bought a second-hand jacket for 100 rupees, brought it home and checked the pockets, she was shocked, know what she found inside!

A woman bought a second-hand jacket for 100 rupees, brought it home and checked the pockets, she was shocked, know what she found inside!

There are many people who are fond of buying new and expensive things, while some people want to save money at any cost. They do not even hesitate in buying clothes worn by others. Although this saves their money, but if they are lucky, then old clothes also give them something that becomes memorable. According to the Daily Star report, a woman named Kay Walker had a habit of buying second-hand things to save money. Once she bought a coat very cheaply but she was shocked to see what she…

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4500 years old ‘city of the dead’ has been discovered, there are more than 300 corpses here, you will be shocked to see the condition!

4500 years old ‘city of the dead’ has been discovered, there are more than 300 corpses here, you will be shocked to see the condition!

There are many things in human history that disappear with time. Then sometimes when these layers peel off, many shocking truths come to the fore. A similar truth came from an area of ​​Egypt, when a city of the dead was discovered. More than 300 tombs have been found in this city, which are spread over an area of ​​more than 2 lakh 70 thousand feet. When archaeologists saw this, they too were stunned. The name of this city is Aswan. Since there are only dead bodies lying here, archaeologists…

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