Report Claims China Pushes Strict Zero Covid Policy On Tibetan People To Make Hold

Report Claims China Pushes Strict Zero Covid Policy On Tibetan People To Make Hold

Tibet China Corona: Strict zero covid policy proved very helpful for China in preventing corona infection. However, after its implementation, the government also had to face opposition. It was alleged that this policy in particular has made the lives of local Tibetans hell. There were strict restrictions on them, in which some relaxation has been done. Meanwhile, Marco Respinti, who has expressed his opinion on religious freedom and human rights without any hesitation, has made serious allegations against the Chinese government while keeping his opinion in an Italian magazine (Bitter…

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Coronavirus Covid Deaths In China In Millions Videos Of Dead Bodies Piling Up At Hospitals Easing Of Corona Restrictions

Coronavirus Covid Deaths In China In Millions Videos Of Dead Bodies Piling Up At Hospitals Easing Of Corona Restrictions

Covid Deaths in China: Coronavirus has once again created a furore in China. Cases of corona infection have increased rapidly in many parts of the country. Very sad pictures are coming out from the hospitals. Videos of piles of dead bodies have surfaced in Chinese hospitals. Corona epidemic experts estimate that millions of people may die due to Corona infection. There has been a rapid increase in the cases of Kovid since the Chinese government relaxed the Zero Kovid Policy and removed its strict lockdown restrictions. Silence of death everywhere…

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China Protesters Are Using Dating Apps To Evade Censors And Dodging The Government

China Protesters Are Using Dating Apps To Evade Censors And Dodging The Government

China COVID Protest: There is an outcry in China over the ‘Zero Covid Policy’. Due to the strict rules made regarding Corona, Chinese President Xi Jinping is now getting surrounded in his own country. Troubled by the ‘Zero Covid Policy’, people have now taken to the streets and have opened a front against the government. At the same time, force is also being used to suppress the voice of the protesters. Even after this, the government is not able to control the protest. The game of cat and mouse continues…

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Has China succumbed to Corona, why did the whole strategy fail?

Has China succumbed to Corona, why did the whole strategy fail?

The corona virus that started from Wuhan in China has spread its wings all over the world. However, now people have learned to fight with it and live with it. But in the meantime, Corona is wreaking havoc in China, due to which the Chinese government is running a strict lockdown and a large-scale testing campaign. Troubled by the lockdown, people are now determined to shake hands with the police-administration there. Videos of clashes between police and people are going viral on social media. The question is to tell why…

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