Shani Gochar 2023 Saturn Transit In Aquarius Effect Can Be Third World War Main Role Of India By Suresh Shrimali Astrologer

Shani Gochar 2023 Saturn Transit In Aquarius Effect Can Be Third World War Main Role Of India By Suresh Shrimali Astrologer

Saturn Transit 2023 in Aquarius, Shani Gochar 2023, Shani Gochar Effect: According to Panchang, the cruel planet Shani will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius on January 17 at 8.02 pm. It will be retrograde here for 3,384 hours in 12 months. Due to Saturn’s retrograde, there will be a terrible impact on people of different zodiac signs – on the country and the world. year 2023 Due to the influence of Shani transit in Kumbh, the third world war may start. Come let us know what Indian astrologer Pandit Suresh…

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