Tampons or pads during periods, which option is best?

Choosing the right thing is important to ensure you feel comfortable during your periods. Both tampons and pads are popular, but which one is better? Tampons are inserted and are comfortable even when you are more active. Pads are easy to use and reduce the risk of infection. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will find out which option is right for you, tampons or pads. Make the right choice according to your comfort and need. 


Advantages of tampons

  • Comfortable: Tampons are inserted inside the body, allowing you to move more freely.
    Concealed: It is not visible through outer clothing, allowing you to swim or exercise without worry.
  • Long-lasting: Tampons can be worn for 4-6 hours, so there is no need to change them frequently.

Disadvantages of tampons

  • Inserting tampons correctly: Inserting a tampon can be difficult for some women, especially the first time.
  • Toxic shock syndrome (TSS): If a tampon is worn for too long, it can cause a serious infection.
  • Night use: Wearing tampons while sleeping is not considered safe as it should not be worn for more than 8 hours.

Advantages of pads

  • Easy to use: Pads are very easy to use, especially for young women and girls getting their periods for the first time.
  • No infection: Pads are applied externally, so the risk of infection is low.
  • Long-lasting: Some pads can last up to 8-12 hours, which means you don’t need to change them as often.

Disadvantages of pads

  • Restriction of movement: Wearing pads sometimes makes it difficult to do more activities.
  • Visibility: Pad lines can be visible through tight clothes, which can make some women feel uncomfortable.
  • Rashes: Long-lasting Wearing pads for a long time can cause rashes and irritation.

Which option is best?
It completely depends on your convenience and choice. If you like to be active and you swim or exercise, then tampons can be a good option. On the other hand, if you want more comfort and easy use, then pads can be better. Both the products are beneficial in their own way, it is just important to use them in the right way. Understand the needs of your body and choose the right option accordingly.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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