Tandoori Roti Health Risk Why You Should Never Order Tandoori Rotis From Restaurant

Health Risks of Tandoori Roti: The presence of Tandoori roti is definitely seen in weddings and different types of parties. Tandoori roti fits perfectly with both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes like dal, kadhai paneer, egg curry and chicken korma etc. Tandoori roti is delicious to eat, that’s why people eat it with fervor. But is it beneficial for health or not? Let’s know…

Tandoori roti is high in carbohydrates and calories. There are 455 calories in one cup of maida. This means that one tandoori roti contains approximately 120 calories. It does contain protein, but provides only 6 percent of your total daily requirement. Most people order tandoori roti from restaurants. But do you know how much tandoori roti made in restaurants can harm health.

Why is restaurant-made tandoori roti bad for health?

Tandoori roti made in restaurants is full of butter and unhealthy fat. According to health experts, maida is not at all good for your gut health. Continuous consumption of white flour can lead to the risk of many diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, problems related to digestion, constipation, increase in triglycerides and cholesterol.

Why not order tandoori roti from a restaurant?

1. Risk of Diabetes: Many unhealthy things are used in the tandoori roti ordered from the restaurant. Eating these can increase your blood sugar level and people who do not have diabetes can get this disease. Tandoori roti ordered from the restaurant should not be eaten because it has a high glycemic index.

2. Risk of heart disease: In a restaurant, tandoori roti is made in a tandoor, which is set on wood, coal or charcoal. It causes air pollution and increases the risk of heart disease. According to a study by Oxford University in the UK, eating food cooked on solid fuels such as wood, coal and charcoal not only causes air pollution, but can also increase the risk of heart disease. People who use solid fuel for cooking have a 12 per cent increased risk of dying from heart attack, heart failure or stroke.

3. Risk of weight gain and obesity: Consuming refined flour can increase the risk of obesity. Refined flour works to promote fat in the body and inhibits fat oxidation.

4. Stress and Depression: Consuming too much of refined carbohydrates increases the risk of stress, depression and many mental health problems. Refined flour also promotes inflammation. This is the reason why excessive consumption of Tandoori roti should be avoided.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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