tea discovered know the most accurate way to make it

Most people start their morning with tea. But many people would not know how tea started. Today we will tell you about tea which has become an important part of life. It started by mistake. Know the complete story behind this.

starting from china

Regarding tea, it is said that in 2732 BC, China’s ruler Sheng Nung accidentally discovered tea. Actually, once the king was heating drinking water, but by mistake some leaves had fallen in it from somewhere. Due to the leaves falling in the water, suddenly the color of the water changed and a nice smell started coming from it. After this the king felt that it could be drunk. When the king drank that water, he liked it very much. Not only this, the king felt a lot of freshness and energy after drinking this water. Since then the king started drinking this colored water. According to the information, the king had named this colored water as tea.

Introduction of tea in India

The story about the introduction of tea in India is that Governor General Lord Bentinck came to India in the year 1834. At that time, some people of Assam were boiling tea leaves in hot water and drinking it as medicine. When he saw this he was very curious. After this he informed the common people about it and thus tea was started in India.

types of tea

black tea

There is no milk in black tea. Let us tell you that it is prepared by drying tea leaves. It is cultivated in India, China, Tibet, Mongolia.

green tea

Nowadays people drink green tea to keep themselves fit. It has the ability to fight diabetes, cancer, and mental illnesses. It is cultivated in India and China.

blue tea

This is a herbal tea. Let us tell you that it is made from a flower named Aparajita. Drinking it improves memory, apart from this it reduces anxiety. Not only this, it is helpful in preventing diabetes.

red tea

It is also called rooibos tea. It comes from a tree named ‘Aspalathus’ growing in South Africa. Let us tell you that it contains 50% more antioxidants than green tea. Drinking it helps in digestion and strengthens the hair.

yellow tea

Drinking yellow tea started from China. Its leaves are prepared by drying them in a special way. The anti-oxidants in it are equal to green tea.

milk tea

Everyone would know about this. Especially in India, tea with milk is made in every family. The leaves used in this tea are specially prepared from Assam state of India.

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