Teenage Boy Faints When Finding Himself Alone With 500 Girls at Examination Center

Teenage Boy Faints in Company of Girls: As fun as some incidents seem to be, they are not actually for the person on whom they have passed. You must have seen a girl feeling nervous seeing her surrounded by many boys and must have understood her insecurity, but the same happened with a 17-year-old boy. He suddenly saw himself alone among many girls, then he fainted there.

By the way, as soon as the season of board exams approaches, interesting news of various kinds starts coming to the fore. Somewhere when someone else reaches to give the exam of the student, then somewhere strange incidents are heard even during the checking. However, what happened to a student of Bihar’s Allama Iqbal College, you would not have heard that before. One was the mathematics paper and then the boy saw so many girls at once that he could not handle himself.

The boy got angry after seeing hundreds of girls
A 17-year-old boy named Manishankar had appeared for the examination at the center given by the board. He was already nervous about the difficult paper. Meanwhile, when he reached the center i.e. Bihar Shirke Brilliant Convent School, as far as his eyes went, only girls were visible. He was the only boy in the crowd of about 500 girls. Seeing this scene, his heart got scared and the boy lost his senses as soon as he saw it. The funny thing is that he had reached the center to take the exam but he had to reach the hospital in a hurry.

The boy had reached the center to take the exam but he had to reach the hospital in a hurry.

Just Panic or Gynophobia?
When the boy was removed from there, he regained consciousness after some time, but this incident came in the headlines. Since the boy is young, it is believed that he fainted after finding himself alone among hundreds of girls. By the way, let us tell you that there is also a psychological condition called Gynophobia, which fills a person with uneasiness, nervousness and fear when he reaches around women.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, funny story, Weird news

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