Telegram Hacking what should we do if our account hacked Cyber ​​Fraud Follow this tips

What to do After Telegram Account Hacked: Although the social media platform is quite popular for its privacy, news of Telegram being hacked keeps coming up many times. Cybercriminals have started making innocent people their victims through this platform.

Recently ESET researchers have revealed that hackers can send dangerous files to you through the app. These files look like videos. In such a situation, a question must be coming to your mind that how can you protect yourself from such hacking. We are going to tell you about those signs which will tell you about the hacking of Telegram.

These signs can be found after Telegram hacking

If chats or messages have been sent from your Telegram account which you did not send, it means that your Telegram account may have been hacked. Apart from this, if there has been any change in the account’s profile photo, bio, username or anything else, then also your account may have been hacked.

Apart from this, if any kind of payment or subscription has been taken from the account, then there can be chances of hacking. Another reason can also be that it has been linked with your device. Along with this, after being hacked, suspicious messages keep coming to you which ask for personal information from you. From these signs, you will know that your account has been hacked.

Do this quickly if Telegram is hacked

You have to open Telegram and go to the settings and then click on the device option. After this, you have to remove all illegal links. Along with this, turn on the two-factor verification feature. By doing this, the account gets more security. A big step you have to take is to create a new and strong password. In such a situation, if you find anything suspicious, then immediately seek help from Telegram support.

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