Big Alert for Telegram Users: If you also use the messaging platform Telegram app, then you need to be careful. Actually, a big flaw has been discovered in this app due to which hackers can send dangerous files to you. These files look like videos, but in reality it is malware which can prove to be very dangerous for you.
ESET researchers have made a big disclosure regarding this, in which it has been said that users should immediately take some necessary steps and update the app.
Downloading this file is extremely dangerous
According to cyber security researchers, hackers are using a malware named EvilVideo and send a dangerous file in the form of a 30-second video. These files are being sent to group or private chats on Telegram. Not only this, what is more dangerous is that if someone has automatic download turned on, then the file will be downloaded as soon as the chat is opened.
Don’t make this mistake even by mistake
When the user opens this file, it shows on Telegram that this video is not able to be played. But it can be played from any other app. If you allow the video to be played in another app, then it installs a harmful app.
This will be the app that will bring an uninvited danger for you. You can easily fall into the trap of hackers, after which they can steal your data and harm you in many ways. If you have not updated the latest version of Telegram, then do it immediately and do not download any app from any unknown source even by mistake.
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