That beautiful island… which became deserted, even animals could not survive here, the reason is a centuries old mystery!

Many of us get excited when we hear the name of beach and island. After all, who would not like the sea shore and the water spread far and wide? People keep looking for such places where there are calm and beautiful sea shores. There is one such island, which is beautiful but no one can go there. The reason behind this is also very interesting.

According to the report of Daily Star, there is a similar remote island in Scotland, which is completely deserted. You may be fascinated by seeing this place located at a distance of one kilometer from the Scotland coast, but you cannot go there. Since the 1940s, no person has ever gone here or rather say that no one could survive here. Let’s know the story of this unique island.

The island became ‘cursed’ after 1442!
The name of this island is Gruinard, which is located near Laide and Ullapool. The story of this island being cursed is related to the Second World War. During that time, British politician Churchill suspected that Germany was making a biochemical weapon. In such a situation, he ordered his scientists to make such a weapon, which could be used when the time comes. British scientists made a weapon named Anthrax, which was tested on Gruinard Island. This is the reason that the bacteria of this dangerous disease are present in the soil here, coming in contact with which can make a person sick.

The history of this place is connected to the Second World War. (Credit- Canva)

The sheep reached here, they also died!
Anthrax bombs were tested here with the permission of the island’s owners. This was also tested by keeping a flock of sheep here. After the bomb exploded, the sheep slowly died and their bodies were burnt. After this, the soil here became poisonous. Although these bombs were not used on Germany, reports started coming in about the poisonous soil here in the year 1981. When it was tested, it was found that even now the soil of the island is not free from the poison of bioweapon. Efforts were also made by the government to clean it. All the marine creatures here were killed and the soil was cleaned.

No attempt was successful
In the year 2007, once again marine life was started to be developed at this place but this experiment was not successful. However, later a herd of sheep was brought here, which also survived. It is a different matter that in the year 2022, once again a massive fire broke out here, this fire was so terrible that it was even called the fire of hell. Later, the island’s owner Gruinard Estate said that the forest fire was beneficial for the island. Even after all this, there is no one to settle on the island.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Amazing facts, Weird news

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