That country on earth, where Indians were taken hostage, this dialect of Hindustan is still spoken today!

Indians have progressed so much that they are living in different countries of the world. If you go to Germany, France, America, Australia, even Russia, you will easily find Indians. Because of this, wherever we went, we left the imprint of our civilization and culture which the world is adopting today. Indians live not only in the biggest countries but also in small countries like Mauritius (Indians in Mauritius History). Today we are going to talk about this country, where Indians were once taken hostage, and today the situation is such that people here speak a popular language of India.

According to the official website of the Indian High Commission in Mauritius, the population of Mauritius (Indian laborers in Mauritius British era) is about 12 lakh and 70 percent of these people are of Indian origin. There was a time when Mauritius was a British and French colony. It got independence from British Raj in the year 1968. In the year 1729, when it was under French occupation, Indians were first brought here from Pondicherry area so that they could work as masons and artisans.

There are still Bhojpuri speaking people in Mauritius. (Photo: Canva)

Laborers were brought from India
Between 1834 and the beginning of 1900, about 5 lakh Indians were brought here by the British to work as labourers. Two-thirds of these laborers settled here. The first batch of these was of 36 people who came to Mauritius on 2 November 1834. The name of the ship from which he came was Atlas. This day is still celebrated as Immigrant Day in Mauritius.

so many people speak bhojpuri
Most of the laborers who came here were from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar who spoke Bhojpuri. Just because of this, Bhojpuri became a popular language here. Even today people in Mauritius understand that Bhojpuri is spoken. According to the report of Mauritius Times website, according to the 2011 census, the total population of Mauritius was more than 12 lakhs. Of these, 5.3 percent people speak Bhojpuri, whereas according to the 2000 census, 12.1 percent people spoke Bhojpuri.

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