The cab was called to go to the party, the driver liked it, the girl roamed for 7 hours!

Friendship With Cab Driver: It is said that in love a person does not see things like high-low and caste-religion. Similarly, even while making friendship, some people do not care what is the standard in front of them and from which background they themselves come. Make friends with the person you like. A similar friendship of a 19-year-old girl is also in the headlines at the moment, which has happened in a different way at a slightly different place.

The girl had booked her cab to go to the party but on the way she befriended the driver and kept roaming with him. Where she had to travel for a while, she roamed with the driver for 7 hours. The girl herself has told people about her journey that she has earned a lifelong friend by spending Rs 2 lakh.

Had to go to the birthday party, roamed for 7 hours
According to the report of Daily Mail, the name of a 19-year-old girl named Imogen Nicholson is Imogen Nicholson and she is a resident of Britain. This rich girl had to go to her grandfather’s birthday party, for which she booked an Uber cab from London to Durham. Many drivers had refused him for this journey, but finally he got a driver for 52 thousand 848 rupees. During the journey, Imogen liked the driver and she not only went to visit many places in Durham with him but also returned with him. For this entire trip, the girl had to pay a bill of Rs 2 lakh, the screenshots related to which she has shared.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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